

Tesla's DNS Hacked Leading to Website and Twitter Hijacks

Image On Saturday, the website and Twitter account of electric vehicle maker Tesla was compromised briefly, as well as CEO Elon Musk's Twitter account. The website was defaced after the DNS for was redirected to another server hosting an image with various messages and faces of a few people. Image ...

How to crash any iPhone or iPad within WiFi range

Image Security researchers presenting at this week's RSA Conference in San Francisco, have uncovered a whole new compelling reason to switch off your phone. Skycure's Yair Amit and Adi Sharabani have demonstrated a startling vulnerability in iOS that can allow malicious hackers to crash any iOS device within range of a WiFi hotspot....

Sony Hackers Used Phishing Emails to Breach Company Networks

Image A security researcher has found that hackers used phishing emails to penetrate Sony Picture Entertainment’s computer networks last fall. Stuart McClure, CEO of computer security firm Cylance, says he analyzed a downloaded database of Sony emails and in the process discovered a pattern of phishing attempts. “We started to...

Tripwire VERT’s CTF - Level 1

Image Last month, I participated in the Tripwire VERT cybersecurity Capture the Flag contest organized for infosec students with some awesome prizes: BSides Las Vegas & DEF CON 23 travel packages and more… I’m in! Even though I didn’t get that far, it was a great learning experience! The CTF started on March 27 when I got an email...

Interview with Steven Fox: Privacy and Its Challenges for the Future

Image We at Tripwire are very excited that RSA Conference 2015 is finally upon us. Not only are we looking forward to all of the attendees who will join us at Booth 3301 over the course of RSA, but we are also eager to hear all of the keynote speakers. Acknowledging this excitement, we decided to sit down with Steven Fox, one of the...

U.S. Federal Cyber Security Workforce Is Inadequate, Says Report

Image A report published by the Partnership for Public Service and Booz Allen Hamilton reveals that an insufficient cyber security workforce is hampering the United States’ efforts to properly defend its networks. According to the report, non-competitive pay and strict hiring practices are aggravated by a lack of pipelines that value...

How to Protect Yourself From Caller ID Spoofing

Image Have you ever received unwanted calls from auto-dialers and telemarketers at a time when you did not want to be called? Has an auto-dialer or telemarketer ever tried to scam you? Have you noticed that the numbers of certain incoming calls don’t seem accurate? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you might have...

Here's What You Missed At BSidesSF 2015 - Day 1

Image It’s that time of year, again, when the brightest minds in the business gather to talk all things cyber in the city of San Francisco. To start off the busy week ahead, BSidesSF kicked off day one with some great speakers and intriguing presentations. For those of you that didn’t make it out, here’s a short and sweet recap of...

The Internet of Things: Why Security Needs to Be the Future of IoT

Image The Internet of Things (IoT) is a buzzword that many use to describe a not-so-distant reality in which devices and machines talk to one another. To some, however, the potential of IoT extends well beyond the mere notion of a “smart,” interconnected world. Included in this group of observers is Jeremy Rifkin, an author, political...

Killing the Kill Chain: Disrupting the Cyber Attack Progression

Image If, on Tuesday, you find yourself in San Francisco, with access to RSA, then I know how you should spend your time from 1PM PST. Alex Cox, Ken Westin, and I will be introducing our panel: Killing the Kill Chain: Disrupting the Cyber Attack Progression. Instead of talking about how you can preemptively stop an attack, we plan to...

Zero Day Dark Web Market 'TheRealDeal' Selling MS15-034 Exploit

Image A new dark web market has appeared, focused on the selling of 0-day exploit code. The market is called "TheRealDeal Market," and although still in its infancy, there are already a few exploits listed. One exploit claims to target the recent MS15-034 Microsoft IIS Remote Code Execution vulnerability and comes with reverse shell...

Federating the AWS CLI

Image Modern organizations that depend on SaaS have been increasingly adopting Identity Providers or single sign-ons (SSOs) in order to federate authentication back to home directory services. Most SSOs support SAML or OAuth, and a growing number of SaaS companies are jumping on board to eliminate the liability of storing customer...

DBIR 2015: What Do Prince and Vulnerabilities Have In Common?

Image The Verizon 2015 Data Breach Investigations Report has always had a conversational, quirky style to share some pretty technical information about the security breach data it analyzes. So if you’re wondering what Prince has to do with vulnerability management, just know that when you read the full report, you’ll understand – a...

How to Lie with Statistics: Information Security Edition

Image Numbers, statistics, pie charts and survey results are everywhere – especially in the information security space. Nevertheless, have you ever finished reading a vendor whitepaper or a research institution’s annual security report and the data presented just made your spidey sense tingle? You are probably sensing a manipulation...

Testing Network Forensics Skills: Challenge Accepted!

Image Network Forensics is a branch of Digital Forensics that deals with the capture, storage and analysis of network traffic. Incident handlers working on computer incident response and security operations teams around the world engage in this type of analysis in order to answer the “Five Ws” in relation to incidents: [W]ho did it? ...