

The Importance of Host-Based Intrusion Detection Systems

Image What Is a Host-Based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS)? A host-based intrusion detection system, or HIDS, is a network application that monitors suspicious and malicious behavior, both internally and externally. The HIDS’ job is to flag any unusual patterns of behavior that could signify a breach. By bringing this activity to...

VERT Threat Alert: March 2024 Patch Tuesday Analysis

Image Today’s VERT Alert addresses Microsoft’s March 2024 Security Updates. VERT is actively working on coverage for these vulnerabilities and expects to ship ASPL-1097 as soon as coverage is completed. In-The-Wild & Disclosed CVEs There were no in-the-wild or disclosed CVEs included in the March Patch Tuesday release. CVE...

Reducing Cyber Risks with Security Configuration Management

Image Protecting sensitive data and other assets requires an organization to be adaptable and stay informed on things like the digital landscape and threat trends. While some aspects of security are within an organization’s control, it can be extremely difficult to manage all of the risks and vulnerabilities that are likely to arise. ...

Cybersecurity in the Age of AI: Exploring AI-Generated Cyber Attacks

Image Historically, cyber-attacks were labor-intensive, meticulously planned, and needed extensive manual research. However, with the advent of AI, threat actors have harnessed their capabilities to orchestrate attacks with exceptional efficiency and potency. This technological shift enables them to execute more sophisticated, harder...

File Integrity Monitoring vs. Integrity: What you need to know

Image Using security tools to monitor activities on IP based endpoints and the resulting changes that occur pose one of the most formidable challenges to security and regulatory compliance efforts, thanks to its potential to disrupt established security measures and protocols. Compliance frameworks, such as PCI DSS and NIST 800-53/SI...

So You Want to Achieve NERC CIP-013-1 Compliance...

Image Energy efficiency and availability is a major concern for all countries and governments. The electric grid is a vital sector, and any malfunctions will create ripple effects on any nation’s economy. As the grid is heavily dependent on cyber-enabled technologies and a vast chain of suppliers, contractors, and partners, the...

The Financial Sector Is Refocusing on Cybersecurity

Image In 2024, transformation is reshaping industries, and the financial sector stands at a crucial juncture. The Softcat Business Tech Priorities Report, a comprehensive survey encompassing over 4,000 customers across various sectors, sheds light on this transformation. Significantly, cybersecurity has emerged as the paramount...

What Are the Top 7 DDoS Mitigation Tactics for Energy Grids?

Image Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks occur when adversaries overwhelm a connected target’s resources, aiming to make it unavailable. Learning the best strategies to protect from DDoS attacks is critical to energy grid cybersecurity. A well-planned DDoS attack on the grid could halt essential services, cause substantial...

What Are Command and Control Attacks?

Image In today's expanding cyber threat landscape, infiltrating a system goes beyond unauthorized access or malware installation. To achieve their ultimate objectives, cybercriminals need to maintain an undetected presence in the system or network to control or extract data according to their needs. Command and Control attacks, also...

The Role of Security Configuration Management (SCM) in Preventing Cyberattacks

Image In the intricate realm of cybersecurity, the relentless surge of cyber threats demands a constant reassessment of defensive strategies. Amidst this dynamic landscape, a subtle yet indispensable player takes center stage — Security Configuration Management (SCM). This blog embarks on an insightful journey into the critical role...

The Need For Cybersecurity in Agriculture

Image Agriculture, a fundamental aspect of human civilization, plays an important role in global economic stability, contributing 4% to the global GDP. This sector not only provides food, but also supplies vital raw materials for various industries and drives economic development through job creation and trade facilitation. As we...

#TripwireBookClub – Black Hat GraphQL

   Image   The most recent book that we’ve read over here is Black Hat GraphQL: Attacking Next Generation APIs written by Dolev Farhi and Nick Aleks. The book is described as being for, “anyone interested in learning how to break and protect GraphQL APIs with the aid of offensive security testing.” As someone who works primarily...

Tripwire Patch Priority Index for February 2024

Image Tripwire's February 2024 Patch Priority Index (PPI) brings together important vulnerabilities for Microsoft, ConnectWise, and Google. First on the patch priority list are patches for ConnectWise ScreenConnect, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Windows SmartScreen, and Microsoft Windows Internet Shortcut files. These CVEs (CVE...

Making Sense of Financial Services Cybersecurity Regulations

Image The financial services sector faces unprecedented cybersecurity challenges in today's digital age. With the industry being a prime target for cybercriminals, understanding and adhering to cybersecurity regulations has never been more crucial. This article delves into the labyrinth of cybersecurity regulations affecting financial...

WEF Is Waging War on Misinformation and Cyber Insecurity

Image What is the greatest cyber risk in the world right now? Ransomware? Business Email Compromise? Maybe AI? Well, the last one is pretty close. According to the World Economic Forum, misinformation and disinformation are the most severe global risks of the next two years. In their Global Risks Report 2024, the WEF posited that the...

What We Learned from the 2024 State of Cybersecurity Survey

Image Cybersecurity is a pressing topic of concern for most organizations today, as any amount of sensitive data or digital assets can present a security risk. Understanding the digital landscape, threat trends, and the way they change over time is an essential step in defending against cyberattacks. It can be daunting for any...

Top 5 Scam Techniques: What You Need to Know

Image Scammers are increasingly resourceful when coming up with scam techniques. But they often rely on long-standing persuasion techniques for the scam to work. So, you may hear about a new scam that uses a novel narrative, but there is a good chance that the scam relies on proven scam techniques once the narrative is stripped away....