

Staying Current With the Transportation Security Administration’s Oil and Gas Security Directives

Escalating cyberthreats in the oil and gas industry underscore the need for substantial collaboration between public and private sectors to mitigate this national security risk, and much of this responsibility falls on the shoulders of individual pipeline operators who need to comply with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Security Directive. Despite being best known for its role in...

Adjusting to the Reality of Risk Management Framework

The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is an approach to systems security management that adjusts security controls based on risk factors. The practice involves a continuous cycle of identifying new threats, choosing effective controls, measuring their effectiveness and improving system security. Federal entities need to understand and utilize RMF as a...
Press Release

Tripwire’s IP360™ Vulnerability Management Solution Awarded 5-Star Review from SC Media

SC Lab testers give Tripwire IP360 top rating, highlighting sophisticated reporting and risk prioritization. PORTLAND, Ore. – July, 27, 2020 – Tripwire, Inc., a global cybersecurity solutions provider protecting the world’s leading organizations, today announced that its vulnerability management solution Tripwire® IP360™ received a five-star rating by SC Media. “Vulnerability management is a...