

Tripwire Enterprise and IBM i

Many of the world's largest companies rely on IBM i operating on IBM Power Servers as their strategic platform for business-critical activities such as retail, distribution, logistics, banking, manufacturing planning, healthcare, insurance, hospitality management, government administration, and legal case management. Given the widespread use of the IBM i operating system, advanced cybersecurity...

Tripwire Advisory Services

Cybersecurity teams often rely on input from highly skilled experts to help maximize the success of their work. Yet execution of one-time projects may not provide the ongoing expertise needed to sustain an initiative. And not every organization has the resources — let alone the need — for full-time consulting services. Fortra’s Tripwire Advisory Services is a subscription-based, remote...

What Makes Fortra’s Tripwire Different

Are you weighing your options between integrity management solutions? Evaluating, purchasing, and deploying new software is hard work, especially when you get down to the granular details of understanding which solutions have which capabilities and matching those capabilities to your organization’s particular needs. In an industry buzzing with ever-changing terminology and a profusion of vendors...

Tripwire Services Comparison Datasheet

Not all organizations have the internal resources necessary to manage their cybersecurity and compliance solutions in-house. This may seem like a roadblock to those who see the greater potential of their solutions and want to do more to reach their goals but cannot expand their technical teams due to the high demand for qualified candidates or budgetary limitations. However, the services available...

NCA Compliance with Fortra

The National Cybersecurity Authority (NCA) is the government entity in charge of cybersecurity in Saudi Arabia, encompassing both regulatory and operational functions related to cybersecurity. National Cybersecurity Authority Essential Cybersecurity Controls The NCA works closely with public and private entities to improve the cybersecurity posture of the country in order to safeguard its vital...

Achieving NIA Compliance with Fortra

The National Information Assurance (NIA) Policy provides organizations with the necessary cybersecurity foundation and the relevant tools to enable the implementation of a full-fledged Information Security Management System. Keeping sensitive data and assets safe is the goal of regulatory cybersecurity frameworks such as the NIA. The NIA policy guides organizations in classifying the impact of...

Tripwire NERC CIP Report Catalog

Fortra’s Tripwire NERC CIP Solution Suite is an advanced offering that augments Tripwire’s tools for meeting 23 of NERC CIP’s 44 requirements. The Tripwire NERC CIP Solution Suite allows you to achieve and maintain NERC CIP compliance with high efficacy and reduced effort. This suite includes continuous monitoring of cyber assets, automated assessment of security, and audit-ready evidence with...

The Egypt Financial Cybersecurity Framework

Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) identified key areas of focus to tailor a cybersecurity framework to the unique requirements of the Egyptian financial sector. This framework will serve as the foundational guidance for cybersecurity capability development within this critical sector. This is the kick-off of a larger-scale effort by the CBE to build a robust and sustainable cybersecurity ecosystem...

Tripwire LogCenter: System Requirements

Determining the proper configuration and resources required for a new log management system can be tricky. Take advantage of Tripwire LogCenter’s software-based deployment to meet current demands and grow capacity when needed. Tripwire LogCenter can collect data from almost any source using standard formats. For in-depth data collection, use the advanced Log Collector Agent.View the platforms...

Tripwire LogCenter Data Collection Capabilities

Tripwire® LogCenter® supports a variety of data collection methods, including agent-based collection using the Tripwire Axon® agent, and agentless collection via syslog, SNMP, WMI, file collectors and remote connectors for Cisco, Check Point and databases. The Tripwire Axon agent available with Tripwire LogCenter supports the following platforms: CentOS Linux 5.3–5.11+ (32- and 64-bit) CentOS...

Tripwire and LinkShadow

LinkShadow integrates with Tripwire solutions to complete the full cycle of behavioral analytics and threat hunting, providing the combined benefits of Tripwire’s file integrity monitoring (FIM) technology and proactive threat detection. Next Generation Cybersecurity Analytics LinkShadow® Cyber Security Analytics Platform is designed to manage threats in real time. It utilizes AI based machine...

Tripwire Vulnerability Risk Metrics

A vulnerability management program should provide a series of metrics that outline the vulnerability risk to the organization and how the risk posture is trending. In addition to this, reports should be provided which show system owners which vulnerabilities pose the greatest risk to the organization and how to remediate them. This report outlines recommendations for vulnerability management...

Calculating the ROI of a Vulnerability Management Program

Return on investment on IT security infrastructure purchases (solutions and products) has traditionally been hard to quantify. However, there are some compelling aspects of securing an organization’s infrastructure that can be identified and quantified. This discipline will continue to evolve as organizations focus on managing and balancing their security expenses and strive to control the...

Tripwire Vulnerability Scoring System

Vulnerability and Risk Analysis Measuring and managing the security risk associated with information and information technology remains one of the most challenging and debated problems faced by all levels of an organization. While scoring standards designed to assist with solving this problem have been developed over the past decade, a select few have accomplished this and those that have are...

Align with the UK Cyber Essentials Using Tripwire Solutions

As global events have led to many of us working from home, it has become more important more than ever to ensure your organisation’s network is protected and secure. Cyber Essentials is an important information assurance scheme that you can use to ensure this is the case. If you are looking to meet the standards of Cyber Essentials, Tripwire® Enterprise, Tripwire IP360™, Tripwire Log Center™, and...

Tripwire Virtual & Cloud Appliances

Vulnerability Management For The Cloud Tripwire® IP360™, our proactive vulnerability management solution, helps your IT security organization protect data and systems in corporate and cloud networks from vulnerabilities exploited by cyberthreats. Our solution provides comprehensive endpoint and network intelligence, and then applies advanced analytics to prioritize vulnerabilities. It flags the...

Tripwire Vulnerability Intelligence

There’s not enough time in the day to investigate every system change and remediate every vulnerability. Ever-evolving capabilities of cyber adversaries—coupled with the dynamic nature of corporate networks— makes security prioritization increasingly difficult. With Tripwire® Enterprise and Tripwire IP360™ managed service offerings, you can minimize the amount of time you spend addressing high...

Achieving the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Information Assurance Standard with Tripwire Enterprise

Keeping sensitive data and assets safe is the goal of regulatory cybersecurity frameworks such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Information Assurance Standard. Mitigating cyber threats and ensuring the development of a secure national information and communications infrastructure and cyberspace is a strategic priority for the UAE. To this end, the UAE Information Assurance (IA) Standard acts as a...