

Tripwire Enterprise and IBM i

Many of the world's largest companies rely on IBM i operating on IBM Power Servers as their strategic platform for business-critical activities such as retail, distribution, logistics, banking, manufacturing planning, healthcare, insurance, hospitality management, government administration, and legal case management. Given the widespread use of the IBM i operating system, advanced cybersecurity...

Highlights From the Tripwire Energy & NERC Compliance Working Group

Recently, Tripwire held its Energy and NERC Compliance Working Group virtual event. Tripwire has customers spanning the entire energy industry, including small, medium, and large city municipals, cooperatives, and investor-owned utilities and energy companies. The information shared in these sessions offered valuable insights for both very mature...

Tripwire NERC Solution Suite

North American electric utility companies constantly balance the need to be audit-ready for NERC CIP compliance against their top priority: ensuring the reliability of the bulk electric system. NERC CIP compliance, especially when approached using manual methods, is complex, time-consuming, and prone to human error. Further, NERC CIP requirements often infer security skill sets beyond those of...