

The Impact of NIST SP 800-171 on SMBs

From more broad laws like GDPR to industry-specific regulations like HIPAA, most organizations today must comply with some kind of data protection guideline. Some businesses may even have to comply with numerous data protection regulations. As such, compliance with data protection regulations has become increasingly complicated.  National Institute of...

Shining Light on Employee Cybersecurity Awareness in Retail

Individual users are often referred to as the weakest link in cybersecurity, as human error is a major contributor to security incidents of all kinds. However, employees can also be a significant asset when adequately trained in cybersecurity hygiene and best practices. The dangers of cyber threats in the retail sector are numerous and costly, ranging...

Understanding Mobile Payment Security

As the holiday shopping season kicks in, many are eager to secure early bird discounts and offers, preparing for the festive season. The convenience and speed of mobile devices has led to a growing number of individuals opting for mobile payments, whether conducted online or through contactless systems. The global mobile payment revenue is expected to...

9 Ways Cyber Attackers are Looking to Exploit Government Agencies in 2023

Governments play a key role in the continued operation of society.  While getting a speeding ticket or paying taxes may not be anyone’s favorite thing to do, they contribute to the government’s ability to protect its citizens while maintaining its infrastructure and services.  Cybersecurity is critical for all organizations and government agencies, as...

The State of the US National Cybersecurity Strategy for the Electric Grid

The distribution systems of the U.S. energy grid — the portions of the grid that carry electricity to consumers — are growing more susceptible to cyber-attacks, in part due to the advent of monitoring and control technology and their reliance on them. However, the magnitude of the possible consequences of such attacks is not fully understood. Reports by...

Latest Cyber Guidance for Retailers from NCSC

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recently published important cybersecurity guidance to help protect retailers, which comes right as the holiday shopping season is in full swing. Retail organizations are no strangers to cyber attacks. In fact, some recent large-scale retail industry cyber attacks have included popular brands such as Guess,...

What the industry wants to improve on NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework was meant to be a dynamic document that is continuously revised, enhanced, and updated. These upgrades allow the Framework to keep up with technological and threat developments, incorporate lessons learned, and transform best practices into standard procedures. NIST created the Framework in 2014 and updated it with CSF 1...

An Introduction to the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP)

Cybersecurity funding in corporate environments has always been a source of anxiety for those who seek to keep organizations safe. When we examine the cybersecurity readiness of many state, local, and territorial governments, this funding struggle is taken to new heights of scarcity. Fortunately, a new program has been created by the Department of...

A Guide to PCI DSS Merchant Levels and Penetration Testing

To distinguish the size of merchant companies and appropriately determine the level of testing required, the founding credit card companies created four different brackets ranging from Tier 1 to 4. Each tier is based on the number of transactions processed per year by the merchant and also dictates the testing a merchant must undertake. While...

Integrity: The New "I" in PCI Compliance

The retail industry saw more than its fair share of data breaches in 2017, with security incidents impacting at American supermarket chain Whole Foods Market and clothing companies Brooks Brothers, The Buckle, and Forever 21, to name a few. At least some of those events likely resulted from retailers' poor data breach preparation. Consider the fact that...

80% of Retailers Failed Interim PCI Compliance Assessments

  Despite retailers’ continuous improvement in compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards, four out of five companies are still failing at interim assessments, according to Verizon’s latest report. The report highlights that the overall state of compliance grew significantly in 2014, with 20 percent of organizations achieving...