

Critical flaw found in WordPress plugin used on over 300,000 websites

A WordPress plugin used on over 300,000 websites has been found to contain vulnerabilities that could allow hackers to seize control. Security researchers Ulyses Saicha and Sean Murphy found two critical flaws in the POST SMTP Mailer plugin. The first flaw made it possible for attackers to reset the plugin's authentication API key and view sensitive...

Cryptocurrency wallet CEO loses $125,000 in wallet-draining scam

Anyone can get scammed. If you think you're somehow immune to being scammed, then, in my opinion, you're a prime target for being scammed. No one is too big, too clever, too security-savvy to avoid being duped because it's only human to make a mistake and screw up. And that certainly seems to be the case with Bill Lou. Bill Lou is the CEO and co...

Google Forms Used in Call-Back Phishing Scam

What's happened? Researchers at Abnormal have discovered the latest evolution in call-back phishing campaigns. Call-back phishing? Traditional phishing emails might contain a malicious link or attachment, and lure recipients into clicking on them via social engineering techniques. Call-back phishing dupes unsuspecting victims into telephoning a...

Kelvin Security cybercrime gang suspect seized by Spanish police

A malicious hacking group, thought to have been operating since at least 2013, may have suffered a significant blow after the arrest of a suspected leading member by Spanish police late last week. Spain's National Police arrested a Venezuelan man in Alicante on Thursday, in the belief that he is connected to the Kelvin Security gang. In an...

BlackSuit ransomware - what you need to know

What's going on? A cybercriminal group calling itself BlackSuit has claimed responsibility for a series of ransomware attacks, including breaches at schools in central Georgia. And earlier in the year, a zoo in Tampa Bay was targeted by the same hacking gang. Meanwhile, liberal arts college DePauw University in Indiana says that it was recently...

Ex-worker phished former employer to illegally hack network and steal data

Once again, companies are being warned to be wary of past employees who may turn rogue. 28-year-old Andrew Mahn, of Derry, New Hampshire, has pleaded guilty to charges that he illegally hacked the network of his former company, telecoms firm Motorola after he successfully tricked current staff into handing over their login credentials Mahn, who had...

$9 million seized from "pig butchering" scammers who preyed on lonely hearts

US authorities have seized almost $9 million worth of cryptocurrency linked to a gang engaged in cryptocurrency investment fraud and romance scams. The US Department of Justice has announced that the seized funds are connected to cryptocurrency wallet addresses alleged to be associated with a "pig butchering" gang that has claimed over 70 victims...

CherryBlos, the malware that steals cryptocurrency via your photos - what you need to know

What's the deal with CherryBlos? CherryBlos is a rather interesting family of Android malware that can plunder your cryptocurrency accounts - with a little help from your photos. Wait. I've heard of hackers stealing photos before, but what do you mean by malware stealing cryptocurrency via my photos? How does it do that? Well, imagine you have...

Phony Corsair job vacancy targets LinkedIn users with DarkGate malware

Job hunters should be on their guard. Researchers at security firm WithSecure have described how fake job opportunities are being posted on LinkedIn with the intent of spreading malware. A Vietnamese cybercrime gang is being blamed for a malware campaign that has seen bogus adverts posted on LinkedIn, pretending to be related to jobs at computer...

Ex-Navy IT manager jailed for selling people's data on the dark web

A former US Navy IT manager has been sentenced to five years and five months in prison after illegally hacking a database containing personally identifiable information (PII) and selling it on the dark web. 32-year-old Marquis Cooper, of Selma, California, was a chief petty officer in the US Navy's Seventh Fleet when he opened an account in August 2018...

Plastic surgeries warned by the FBI that they are being targeted by cybercriminals

Plastic surgeries across the United States have been issued a warning that they are being targeted by cybercriminals in plots designed to steal sensitive data including patients' medical records and photographs that will be later used for extortion. The warning, which was issued by the FBI yesterday and is directed towards plastic surgery offices and...

Revealed! The top 10 cybersecurity misconfigurations, as determined by CISA and the NSA

A joint cybersecurity advisory from the United States's National Security Agency (NSA) and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has shone a light on the top ten most common cybersecurity misconfigurations found in large private and public organisations. The report aims to detail the weaknesses found in many large organisations, and...

ZeroFont trick makes users think that message has been scanned for threats

It's nothing new for cybercriminals to use sneaky HTML tricks in their attempt to infect computers or dupe unsuspecting recipients into clicking on phishing links. Spammers have been using a wide variety of tricks for years in an attempt to get their marketing messages past anti-spam filters and in front of human eyeballs. It's enough to make you wish...

Snatch ransomware - what you need to know

What's happened? The FBI and US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) have issued a joint advisory warning organisations about a ransomware-as-a-service operation called "Snatch." Snatch? As in the movie from twenty odd years ago? I'm not sure I've heard of Snatch before... Maybe you haven't. They don't have as high a profile as...

BLASTPASS: Government agencies told to secure iPhones against spyware attacks

What's happened? CISA, the United States's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, has ordered federal agencies to patch their iPhones against vulnerabilities that can be used as part of a zero-click attack to install spyware from the notorious NSO Group. A "zero-click attack"? That's an attack that doesn't require any interaction from the...

Thousands of dollars stolen from Texas ATMs using Raspberry Pi

A Texas court has heard how last month a gang of men used a Raspberry Pi device to steal thousands of dollars from ATMs. According to local media reports, three men were arrested in Lubbock, Texas, after attempting to steal "large sums of US currency" from ATMs. The men - 38-year-old Abel Valdes, 41-year-old Yordanesz Sanchez, and 33-year-old Carlos...

Cybersecurity's Crucial Role Amidst Escalating Financial Crime Risks

In an era of escalating financial crimes, the spotlight shines brightly on the rising concerns in the realm of cybersecurity. According to a recent survey, a staggering 68% of UK risk experts anticipate a surge in financial crime risks over the next year. These apprehensions echo globally, with 69% of executives and risk professionals worldwide...

LinkedIn under attack, malicious hackers seize accounts

Security researchers have identified that a widespread LinkedIn malicious hacking campaign has seen many users locked out of their accounts worldwide. Some users who have had their access to their LinkedIn accounts blocked by the cybercriminals changing their passwords have been pressured into paying a ransom, according to a report from Cyberint, and...

Rhysida ransomware - what you need to know

What is Rhysida? Rhysida is a Windows-based ransomware operation that has come to prominence since May 2023, after being linked to a series of high profile cyber attacks in Western Europe, North and South America, and Australia. The group appears to have links to the notorious Vice Society ransomware gang. What kind of organisations has Rhysida been...