

A Look at The 2023 Global Automotive Cybersecurity Report

From its inception, the automotive industry has been shaped by innovation and disruption. In recent years, these transformations have taken shape in rapid digitization, ever-growing Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure, and advanced connectivity. These shifts have redirected the automotive industry, meeting and surpassing customer expectations for...

What is CSAF (Common Security Advisory Framework)?

The world of security advisories is disjointed, with disparate systems holding critical documentation in various formats. To make matters more challenging, despite living in a digital-first era, most of these documents are not legible for machines and must be parsed, reviewed, or referenced by humans. As system administrators contend with a rapidly...

Why Application Dependencies Are Critical for Cloud Security

Application dependencies occur when technology components, applications, and servers depend on each other to provide a business solution or service. Developers have a specific technology stack in mind when building solutions. This can typically include operating systems, database engines, and development frameworks (such as .Net or Java), as well as...

The Role of Data Hygiene in the Security of the Energy Industry

We create massive amounts of data daily, from the exercise stats compiled by our wearable devices to smart meters used at our homes to reduce expense consumption to maintenance statistics of critical systems in industrial settings. If data creation continues at its present rate, more than a yottabyte (a million trillion megabytes) will likely be...

Tripwire Patch Priority Index for January 2023

Tripwire's January 2023 Patch Priority Index (PPI) brings together important vulnerabilities for Microsoft and Adobe. First on the patch priority list this month are patches for Microsoft Visio and Microsoft Office that resolve 6 vulnerabilities, including remote code execution and information disclosure vulnerabilities. Next are patches for Adobe...

​​Key Insights From the Guide to Cybersecurity Trends and Predictions for 2022-23

The cybersecurity landscape has become something of a battle royale: companies and cyber criminals are continually trying to outsmart one another in an effort to be the last one standing. Thankfully, many businesses are seeking a proactive approach, aiming to avoid the proverbial egg on their face when it comes to cybersecurity breaches. Learning...

The prevalence of RCE exploits and what you should know about RCEs

Recent headlines have indicated that some major companies were affected by Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerabilities, just in the month of October. RCE flaws are largely exploited in the wild, and organizations are continually releasing patches to mitigate the problem. RCE is a type of an Arbitrary Code Execution (ACE) attack where the threat...

The Heightened Importance of Cybersecurity in Mobile App Development

Mobile device use is pervasive, and has eclipsed traditional computing. We often hear how various malicious mobile apps are released into circulation. For these reasons, mobile app development needs to focus on cybersecurity just as much as it does on functionality and flexibility, if not more so. It’s an inevitable aspect of app development that...

C-Suite Security: How IT Teams Improve Security Culture

Every person in an organisation has the potential to enhance security. Physical office barriers were removed during the pandemic, exposing companies to countless vulnerabilities as attack avenues have multiplied. However, this does not mean that all was lost. What it signals is the importance of promoting a culture of security across the entire...

Healthcare Supply Chain Attacks Raise Cyber Security Alarm

The healthcare sector has become a popular target for cybercriminals and is one of the most targeted industries by cyber criminals. In 2022, 324 attacks were reported in the first half of the year. As bad actors continue to target the healthcare industry, cybersecurity experts and healthcare administrators should be aware that attacks are...

Is a Shift Left Approach Hurting Software and Supply Chain Security?

As the cyber threat evolves, adversaries are increasingly targeting non-publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in the software supply chain. Attackers are able to stealthily travel between networks because to a vulnerability in the supply chain. To combat this risk, the cybersecurity community must center its efforts on protecting the software...

Why You Need an Offensive Security Solution

Cybersecurity professionals are always looking to keep up with new and changing threats, as well as developing new tactics and technologies to guard against cyberattacks. Traditional approaches to security are focused on defensive or reactive measures, generally blocking attacks from coming in, or responding to attacks once they happen....

What are sandboxes? How to create your own sandbox

In the language of technology, a sandbox is a safe testing environment that is isolated from the rest of your network or system. Developers use sandboxes to test their code before deployment. In cybersecurity, suspicious and potentially unsafe programs, software, and attachments are executed in sandboxes to detect malware and to avoid any harm...

The Future of Connected, Autonomous, Shared, and Electric (CASE) Vehicles is Upon Us.

The popularity of electric vehicles is partly a response to the desire of achieving sustainability and carbon footprint reduction. Automobile manufacturers are making substantial investments to tackle emissions issues, create environment-friendly vehicles, and align with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) requirements. To achieve brand edge...

National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) annual review 2022: Highlights and thoughts

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) is the UK’s technical authority for cybersecurity. Established in 2016, it has worked to improve online safety and security, and has brought clarity and insight to an increasingly complex online world. In its 6th annual review, it gives insights to its understanding of the cyber environment affecting the UK....

How to deal with cyberattacks this holiday season

The holiday season has arrived, and cyberattacks are expected to increase with the upcoming celebratory events. According to The Retail & Hospitality Information Sharing and Analysis Center (RH-ISAC) 2022 Holiday Season Threat Trends and summary report, ransomware and phishing attacks are expected to increase in retail. With the FIFA World Cup 2022,...

2023 Cybersecurity Almanac

As we walk towards the end of 2022, full-scale predictions are made about the trends for cybersecurity in the upcoming year: how will cybersecurity affect us, what major cyber threats will dominate the landscape, and, where shall we allocate cybersecurity budgets? Above all, what can we do to secure our businesses and protect our tangible and...

CISO interview with Darren Desmond, the CISO with the Automobile Association in the UK

Philip Ingram (PI) talked to Darren Desmond (DD). Darren currently works with the Automobile Association (AA) in the UK as the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), joining in 2018. He started his professional career in the British Army's Royal Military Police, before a stint in the Special Investigation Branch, and Military Intelligence....

Cybersecurity challenges facing SMBs and steps to protect them

Businesses come in many different sizes, yet, they all share one similarity; the growing need for cybersecurity in today’s ever-changing technology landscape. While large companies with robust security infrastructure and experience may ward off many aspiring cybercriminals, small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) prove to be ideal targets. Lacking...