

Security Mentors: Honoring Those Who Fuel Our Love of Infosec

Thanksgiving is a time for reflection. It provides us with a space for acknowledging all those many people and life experiences that one way or another enrich our lives, year after year. With the spirit of Thanksgiving in mind, we have gathered together the comments of some of the industry's leading professionals on who they are thankful for fueling...

Are iPhones or Androids More of a Security Risk?

Blondes vs brunettes, Kirk or Picard, and the Oxford comma... these are some of the most burning issues that people just can't agree on. And another is whether iPhones are better than Android phones. Both sides have their fervent fans and supporters, and are capable of making convincing arguments to back their point of view. But now a new study ...

OmniRAT - the $25 way to hack into Windows, OS X and Android devices

Just last week, police forces across Europe arrested individuals who they believed had been using the notorious DroidJack malware to spy on Android users. Now attention has been turned on to another piece of software that can spy on communications, secretly record conversations, snoop on browsing histories and take complete control of a remote device....

Hacked Shopping Mall CCTV Cameras Are Launching DDoS Attacks

If you're running a CCTV surveillance camera in your office, high street store, or at home make sure that you are not unwittingly helping hackers launch denial-of-service attacks. That's the warning that has been issued by the security team at Incapsula, who discovered a botnet of 900 CCTV cameras spread across the globe, flooding targeted websites with...

GreenDispenser ATM malware found in the wild, stealing cash from banks

Banks have another security headache on their hands, as ATM-infecting malware is becoming increasingly sophisticated in its attempt to help criminals audaciously empty out cash machines on the high street on demand, without having to have previously stolen the payment cards of legitimate customers. Dubbed GreenDispenser by researchers at Proofpoint, the...

Hackers Have Stolen Almost Six Million US Government Fingerprints

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has revealed in a statement that when hackers breached its systems earlier this year they made away with approximately 5.6 million fingerprints - a significant increase from the 1.1 million previously reported. As is now well known, in addition to fingerprint data being stolen the Social Security numbers,...

First Report of Simulated Human Being Hacked - But Don't Panic

Yes, simulated humans exist. And even if they don't quite walk amongst us, they do lie in beds in hospitals, helping medical students get valuable experience in caring for patients without the worry that one wrong step might result in a real human life being lost. Don't know what I'm talking about? Then meet iStan, the "most advanced wireless patient...

Agora, the dark web's biggest marketplace, shuts over Tor privacy fears

Where would the dark web be without Tor? Probably in the bright, uncomfortable spotlight of law enforcement if it doesn't find an alternative method of cloaking itself. Agora, the dark web site that grabbed the dubious honour of being the world's most popular online drugs marketplace following the shut down of Silk Road and Silk Road 2.0, has announced...

IE Under Attack! Microsoft Releases Emergency Out-of-Band Patch

If Microsoft calls a vulnerability "critical," warns that it affects all versions of Windows, and is prepared to issue a patch outside of its normal Patch Tuesday monthly schedule, you should sit up and listen. Today, Microsoft has issued an advisory about a zero-day vulnerability, dubbed CVE-2015-2502, that could allow an attacker to hijack control of...

XSS flaw put Salesforce accounts at risk of hijacking

Security researchers have found a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability on the Salesforce website, that could be exploited by malicious hackers to conduct phishing attacks and hijack the accounts of users. The researchers at Elastica report that they uncovered the weakness on one of Salesforce's subdomains, Specifically, the...

Security breach at ICANN. Email addresses and password hashes stolen

ICANN, the organisation which oversees the internet's domain name system, regulating web addresses and working with registrars around the world, has revealed that it has fallen victim to a hacker attack during which the details of users who had created profiles on the organisation's public website were exposed. Email addresses (which act as usernames...

How to bust keyboard biometrics, and why you might want to

We all know that there's a problem with passwords. Most internet users are careless when choosing passwords - either re-using the same passwords they've used elsewhere or making them too easy to crack. And if they're not guilty of that mistake, there's always the chance that their computers are infected with spyware watching their keystrokes and...

Infosec Influencers: An Interview with Bruce Schneier

This week, as part of our new "Infosec Influencer" series, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Bruce Schneier, an internationally renowned security technologist and one of The State of Security's Top Influencers in Security You Should Be Following in 2015. He has written 12 books, including Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust Society Needs to...

MiniDionis: Where a Voicemail Can Lead to a Malware Attack

For just over a week, government departments, research institutes and other high-value targets have been on the sharp end of a sophisticated attack, where fake voicemails are being used to create a diversion while malware infects computer systems. As security researchers at Palo Alto Networks's Unit 42 division detail, it is believed the attack is being...

Multi-billion dollar corporations hit by mystery hacking gang

Back in 2013, technology giants Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Twitter all suffered a serious security breach. Their corporate networks had all been attacked by the same hacking gang, after Mac-using staff visited a website for iOS developers hosting a zero-day Java exploit. The previously unseen Pintsized Trojan horse was able to waltz around the...

Trump Hotels investigates credit card hack

Donald Trump doesn't appear to be having the best of times. Not only has the business tycoon and (now) Republican presidential candidate been dumped by Macy's, Univision and NBC over his comments on Mexican immigrants, but he is now possibly having to deal with the aftermath of a hacker attack too. Criminal hackers may have added to the headaches of The...