

The Twitter mega-hack. What you need to know

Image What the heck has happened on Twitter? Twitter accounts, owned by politicians, celebrities, and large organisations suddenly started tweeting messages to their many millions of followers, at the behest of hackers. What did the messages say? Here is a typical one which appeared on the account of rapper, songwriter, and optimistic...

Find a PlayStation 4 vulnerability and earn over $50,000

Image Do you think you have found a vulnerability in the Sony PlayStation 4 or the PlayStation Network? If so, you could be heading towards a sizeable sum of money. That's because Sony announced details of a new bug bounty program that it is running in co-ordination with vulnerability-reporting platform HackerOne. Sony is inviting...

Babylon Health App Leaked Patients' Video Consultations

Image Babylon Health, makers of a smartphone app that allows Brits to have consultations with NHS doctors, has admitted that a "software error" resulted in some users being able to access other patients' private video chats with GPs. The data breach came to light after one user, Rory Glover, tweeted that he was shocked to find the app...

NetWalker Ransomware - What You Need to Know

Image What is NetWalker? NetWalker (also known as Mailto) is the name given to a sophisticated family of Windows ransomware that has targeted corporate computer networks, encrypting the files it finds, and demanding that a cryptocurrency payment is made for the safe recovery of the encrypted data. Image ...

BlockFi Hacked Following SIM Swap Attack, But Says No Funds Lost

Image For just under 90 minutes last Thursday, hackers were able to compromise the systems of cryptocurrency lending platform BlockFi, and gain unauthorised access to users' names, email addresses, dates of birth, address and activity history. In an incident report published on its website, BlockFi was keen to stress that the hacker's...

Maze Ransomware – What You Need to Know

Image What's this Maze thing I keep hearing about? Maze is a particularly sophisticated strain of Windows ransomware that has hit companies and organizations around the world and demanded that a cryptocurrency payment be made in exchange for the safe recovery of encrypted data. There's been plenty of ransomware before. What makes...

A Zoom zero-day exploit is up for sale for $500,000

Image Millions of people have moved onto the Zoom video-conferencing platform as the coronavirus pandemic has forced them to work from their homes. According to Zoom's own statistics, its daily usage has soared from approximately 10 million daily users in December to over 200 million today. And although Zoom must be pleased to see so...

Third-party data breach exposes GE employees' personal information

Image Past and present employees of General Electric (GE) are learning that their sensitive information has been exposed by a data breach at a third-party service provider. Fortune 500 company GE says it was recently informed of a security breach at one of its partners, Canon Business Process Services. According to GE, between...

Whatever happened to cryptojacking?

Image A couple of years ago it felt like you couldn't turn your head in any direction without seeing another headline about cryptomining and - its more evil sibling - cryptojacking. Countless websites were hijacked, and injected with cryptocurrency-mining code designed to exploit the resources of visiting computers. Victims included...

Phishing attacks exploit YouTube redirects to catch the unwary

Image Attackers are increasingly exploiting the fact that email gateways turn a blind eye to links to popular sites such as YouTube, in order to phish passwords from unsuspecting computer users. Researcher Ashley Trans of Cofense highlighted the threat in a blog post describing a recent phishing campaign. In the attack, an...

Beware secret lovers spreading Nemty ransomware

Image Digital attackers are sending around love-themed malicious emails in an attempt to infect recipients with the Nemty ransomware. If you've been kicking around in the world of IT security for more years than you'd like to admit, then you'll surely remember the ILOVEYOU virus (also known as the "Love Bug" or "Loveletter"). When the...