

How Managed Services Can Help With Cybersecurity Compliance

Organizations are often overburdened with managing complex tools to handle their most important compliance responsibilities, and in many cases lack the internal headcount to manage those tools with highly-trained expertise. Managed services can solve your security staffing and resource challenges by arming your team with security expertise to maintain optimal compliance. Managed service providers...

Tripwire ExpertOps and HIPAA Compliance

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted to safeguard Protected Health Information (PHI) by mandating procedures and controls to assure the public that critical and private information is controlled from loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability. With few exceptions, an organization is subject to HIPAA if it exchanges data related to the health care...

Tripwire NERC Solution Suite

North American electric utility companies constantly balance the need to be audit-ready for NERC CIP compliance against their top priority: ensuring the reliability of the bulk electric system. NERC CIP compliance, especially when approached using manual methods, is complex, time-consuming, and prone to human error. Further, NERC CIP requirements often infer security skill sets beyond those of...