

Bridging the IT/OT Cybersecurity Gap

With notable industrial cyber events on the rise, the 2020s are shaping up to be a challenging time for operational technology (OT) operators concerned with the safety, security, and compliance of their operational technology networks. To protect their OT environments, everyone from plant managers to CISOs is facing increased pressure to deploy effective cybersecurity solutions. However,...
Case Study

Leading Nationwide Provider of FDIC-Insured Financial Services

This nationally recognized financial solutions provider offers a set of services that enable smaller banks and other related institutions to compete with the industry’s dominant players. The company’s portfolio of FDIC-insured solutions enables its members and other key constituents to offer innovative services that otherwise might be too difficult or too costly to provide on their own. ...

Guide to Managed Cybersecurity Services

As managed services become more popular—and essential, for many—the world is on track to funnel 77 percent of cybersecurity spending toward them by 2026. But how exactly do managed security services work? Download the e-book to learn how managed services help organizations do more with less, overcome staffing challenges, and turn their attention back toward their business priorities. ...

Quick Guide to Modern Security Configuration Management

Security configuration management is the cybersecurity process of ensuring systems are properly configured to meet security and compliance standards, reducing cyber risk in the process. The practice of detecting and remediating misconfigurations combines elements of integrity monitoring, configuration validation, vulnerability assessment, and system remediation. "The reliability of (Tripwire...