

How to Spot a Winning NERC CIP Project

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC CIP) regulations often make exacting demands of Fortra Tripwire's customers, requiring them to update or create new change processes and document those processes in order to comply. In any NERC CIP-centered IT\OT project, there are always crucial indicators of success - even before the project gets...

Expert Insight for Securing Your Critical Infrastructure

At Tripwire's recent Energy and NERC Compliance Working Group, we had the opportunity to speak with the Manager of Gas Measurement, Controls, & Cybersecurity at a large energy company. More specifically, we focused on SCADA and field assets of gas Operational Technology. The experience at the management level of such an organization provided a...

Tips for Achieving Success With a NERC CIP Audit

Electrical utilities are responsible for just about everything we do. This presents a tremendous burden on those who operate those utilities. One way these organizations offer assurance is through the audit process. While audits can generate tremendous anxiety, good planning, and tools can help make the entire process go smoothly. Moreover, these...

Guarding the Grid: Navigating the Current and Future Landscape of Utility Cybersecurity

Tripwire recently held its annual Energy and NERC Compliance Working Group. This year's attendees included more than 200 Tripwire customer utility personnel representing over 80 different registered entities from all across the US and Canada. The company sizes ranged from public utility districts and city municipalities to medium and larger-sized...

What is NERC? Everything you need to know

Electric grids are part of every nation’s critical infrastructure. Every societal activity and business depends on reliable and safe electricity distribution. The US electric grid is a huge network of powerlines, distribution hubs, and renewable and non-renewable energy generators that is increasingly exposed to cyber-physical risks due to the...

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – The Story So Far

Do you remember where you were on 25th May 2018? Perhaps you were enjoying a Friday night drink with friends. Perhaps you were with family, relaxing after a busy week at work. I was actually having a GDPR Birthday party with friends and colleagues because 25th May 2018 was a landmark day for the world of Data Protection (yes, seriously, we had a...
On-Demand Webinar

Expert Compliance Automation Tips for Financial Services

Cybersecurity compliance standards like the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (SWIFT) do an excellent job of hardening systems against breaches. This is especially important in the financial services sector, a common target for cybercriminals. This on-demand webinar presented by Senior Solutions Engineer Dan...
On-Demand Webinar

How to Balance NERC CIPv6 vs. CIPv5 Compliance (and Why it Matters)

The extension of the NERC CIPv5 deadline to July 2016 means that registered entities have gained a small window of time for their compliance projects, but they now face a combined compliance deadline for CIPv5 and CIPv6 in July. Join Nick Santora, CEO of Curricula, and Tim Erlin, Director of IT Risk & Security Strategist at Tripwire, for a discussion on the potential impact of CIPv6 on your...