

2023 Business Email Compromise Statistics

Image In cybersecurity, knowledge is everything. From APT intelligence to zero-day vulnerabilities, relevant and timely information can be the difference between a thwarted attack and a total disaster. With Business Email Compromise (BEC) attacks at their zenith, there has never been a better time for a comprehensive BEC report. As...

Security Immutability: The Importance of Change

Image A few years ago, I wrote about the importance of security immutability. More specifically, I discussed how important it is that your environment be unchangeable in order to ensure that it remains secure. As I looked back on the article, I found it rather amusing that the article was published 4 years ago, but that feels like a...

Rhysida ransomware - what you need to know

Image What is Rhysida? Rhysida is a Windows-based ransomware operation that has come to prominence since May 2023, after being linked to a series of high profile cyber attacks in Western Europe, North and South America, and Australia. The group appears to have links to the notorious Vice Society ransomware gang. What kind of...

Tripwire Enterprise: Five ‘Other’ Things You Should Know

Image Network engineers and security analysts have a lot in common. Both require the ability to not only understand the problems at hand but to ascertain the moments leading to them. A typical scenario would include a request to help with a problem a customer has been experiencing. The person you are trying to assist is probably a...

Cybersecurity: Creating a Foundation to build on

Image The cybersecurity landscape has become more complex for many reasons. For one, it is the constantly changing risk environment where businesses are compelled to confront evolving threats and actors that leverage emerging technologies and advanced tactics. Cybersecurity has become a top priority for boards since they realize that...

VERT Threat Alert: August 2023 Patch Tuesday Analysis

Image Today’s VERT Alert addresses Microsoft’s August 2023 Security Updates, which includes a recently introduced release notes format. VERT is actively working on coverage for these vulnerabilities and expects to ship ASPL-1068 on Wednesday, August 9th. In-The-Wild & Disclosed CVEs CVE-2023-38180 A vulnerability in Kestrel could...

Protecting Sensitive Data from Insider Threats in PCI DSS 4.0

Image Safeguarding sensitive data is a huge concern for organizations. One of the biggest challenges they face is the threat posed by insiders who work for the organization. In fact, a report found that 74% of organizations are at least moderately vulnerable to threats from insiders. This has increased spending towards protecting...

Is secure-by-default an achievable reality?

Image We have come a long way in the cybersecurity sector in a relatively short period of time, but there remain many challenges in day-to-day operations that create security gaps in many organizations. One of the most common is tied to how we build our solutions, making sure they are secure out-of-the-box instead of only being...

Is Your MSP Taking Its Own Security Seriously?

Image Most small and midsized businesses trust an IT services partner to help them secure their networks. A few years ago, high-profile cyberattacks targeting MSP vendors Kaseya and SolarWinds thrust the security risk of relying on a complex chain of vendors into the technology media and moved the Department of Homeland Security to...

An Introduction to Cyber Threat Intelligence: Key Concepts and Principles

Image Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), or threat intelligence, is evidence-based knowledge established from current cyber threats, gathered from myriad sources to identify existing or potential attacks. Threat intelligence assists in identifying the motives, targets, and attack behaviors of a threat actor and implementing strong...

Understanding India’s Personal Data Protection Bill (PDPB)

Image Despite being the second-largest internet market in the world, India has yet to pass a comprehensive data privacy bill. It is important to have policies and regulations in place to protect them and their right to data privacy—a right that India’s Supreme Court recognized in 2017. Since then, the country’s government has been...

What is the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?

Image The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a set of privacy and security standards put into effect by the European Union (EU). Widely accepted as the world's strictest security and privacy law, GDPR imposes regulations on organizations that target or collect data relating to people in the EU. European Parliament signed...

Social Media Security Awareness: What you Should Know

Image The latest Verizon Data Breach Investigations report indicates that over 70% of data breaches involved the human element. Cybercriminals exploit people to trick them into clicking unsafe links, opening malicious attachments, entering their credentials into bogus login pages, sharing sensitive data, and authorizing fraudulent...

DNS Security in Healthcare: The Gem in Your Cybersecurity Arsenal

Image The ransomware, malware and phishing attacks going on in the healthcare industry are quite alarming these days. The customers' data in the healthcare industry is more sensitive than in most industries, and this has proven to be a sweet spot for threat actors. Recent research by Infloblox reported that in 2022, there were over...

Tripwire Enterprise: Reimagining a Winning Product

Image How many security products does it take to monitor an organization? Even a small company often finds itself working with multiple monitoring tools to gain visibility into its security posture. This creates multiple blind spots, as a security analyst needs to jump between different tools with different formats and configurations...

Understanding Machine Learning Attacks, Techniques, and Defenses

Image Machine learning (ML) is a subset of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which enables machines and software to automatically learn from historical data to generate accurate output without being programmed to do so. Many leading organizations today have incorporated machine learning into their daily processes for business intelligence...

Enhanced Data Analysis with Synthetic Datasets

Image Large data can offer a massive affordable advantage for companies. Scientists, information analysts, marketing professionals, and advertisers rely upon receiving valuable insights from substantial pools of consumer information. When examined correctly, this information can provide valuable insight for organizations that...