

What Is the Role of Incident Response in ICS Security?

Image In recent years, cyber espionage has been growing in magnitude and complexity. One of the most common targets is Industrial Control Systems (ICS) within critical infrastructure sectors. With many organizations relying more heavily on ICS networks, there has been an increase in threats and cyberattacks aimed at these systems. Not...

What Is FIM (File Integrity Monitoring)?

Image Change is prolific in organizations’ IT environments. Hardware assets change. Software programs change. Configuration states change. Some of these modifications are authorized insofar as they occur during an organization’s regular patching cycle, while others cause concern by popping up unexpectedly. Organizations commonly...

Prioritizing Changes: File Integrity Monitoring Tools & Best Practices

What does file integrity mean? There’s not enough time in the day to investigate every system change, which means you need laser-sharp focus to quickly find the greatest risks to your business. However, the ever-evolving capabilities of cyber adversaries—coupled with the dynamic nature of corporate networks—makes security prioritization increasingly difficult. To combat...

Quick Guide to Modern Security Configuration Management

Security configuration management is the cybersecurity process of ensuring systems are properly configured to meet security and compliance standards, reducing cyber risk in the process. The practice of detecting and remediating misconfigurations combines elements of integrity monitoring, configuration validation, vulnerability assessment, and system remediation. "The...

Intrusion detection and the “kill chain”

Last week, I sat in on a briefing by a guy who calls himself “Four” who happens to be involved in intrusion detection for Facebook. He shared some interesting perspective at the Black Hat conference through a discussion of ”Intrusion Detection Along the Kill Chain.” The information Four presented is based on the work done by Eric M. Hutchins, Michael J. Cloppert, Rohan M....