

Brace yourself – ISO27001 changes are coming

Image If you’re not aware already, then be prepared for change, because a new version of ISO27001 was published in October 2022! It’s all very exciting! The last change to the standard was in 2017. The changes made back then were fundamentally cosmetic, with a few minor tweaks to wording. The changes barely caused a ripple and, even...

Keeping threat actors away from your supply chain

Image The supply chain is a complex environment that goes deep inside a business and involves the majority of its infrastructure, operations, personnel, and outer relations: vendors, partners, and customers. To protect that matrix is extremely difficult, as there are numerous sensitive nodes, lines, and processes that a security team...

New Canadian Cyberattack Data Says 80% of SMBs Are Vulnerable

Image If you were to take a look at the cybersecurity news cycle, you’d be forgiven for thinking that it’s only large enterprises with expansive customer bases and budgets that are the most vulnerable to attacks. But that’s not entirely true. Even if it’s at a much smaller scale, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) still have...

Shifting Left with SAST, DAST, and SCA: Advanced Best Practices

Image In the past, teams incorporated security testing far after the development stage of the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). Security testing would influence whether the application would to proceed to production, or get passed back to the developers for remediation. This process caused delays while teams worked on...

An Introduction to the State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP)

Image Cybersecurity funding in corporate environments has always been a source of anxiety for those who seek to keep organizations safe. When we examine the cybersecurity readiness of many state, local, and territorial governments, this funding struggle is taken to new heights of scarcity. Fortunately, a new program has been created...

Stop blaming employees for cybersecurity breaches

Image When companies drive a wedge between their workforce and their security culture, not only do they reduce best practices, but they also increase stress and jeopardise secure behaviours. We need to stop blaming employees for cybersecurity breaches and look at the real reasons that data is compromised. Furthermore, as long as...

What Are the Benefits of Adopting the Cloud in Industrial Cybersecurity?

Image Cloud adoption has come a long way from its early days where corporate executives questioned the stewardship of their data. The initial suspicions of “where’s my data” have been laid to rest, as administrative tools and contractual obligations have emerged to give better visibility to, and accountability of, data custodianship....

CIS Control 09: Email and Web Browser Protections

Image Web browsers and email clients are used to interact with external and internal assets. Both applications can be used as a point of entry within an organization. Users of these applications can be manipulated using social engineering attacks. A successful social engineering attack needs to convince users to interact with...

Delivering Electrons, Generating Data Lakes, and the Security & Privacy Considerations of Running a Modern Industrial Organization

Image In this episode, Patrick Miller, Founder of Ampere Industrial Security, discusses what utilities and other industrial companies need to consider when it comes to the goldmines of data they're collecting from their machines and customers. He also explains why security and privacy needs to be incorporated in these operations by...

Design & Implementation of OEM ICS Cybersecurity Frameworks: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Image The cyber threat landscape today continues to pose a myriad of unique challenges. This is especially the case for industrial organizations due to factors such as aging equipment, poor design or implementation, skills gaps and a lack of visibility. These shortcomings are exacerbated by the mean time to breach detection, which...

Cybersecurity in Education (K-12) with the CIS Controls

Image Why is cybersecurity important to Education? Acknowledging recent reports of ransomware targeting educational institutions, it is no wonder that there have also been articles that attempt to lure in readers with “free” tools. What is disappointing is that these “free” tools are little more than marketing pieces that direct you...

Quick Guide to Modern Security Configuration Management

Security configuration management is the cybersecurity process of ensuring systems are properly configured to meet security and compliance standards, reducing cyber risk in the process. The practice of detecting and remediating misconfigurations combines elements of integrity monitoring, configuration validation, vulnerability assessment, and system remediation. "The...

Forensics in the Cloud: What You Need to Know

Image Cloud computing has transformed the IT industry, as services can now be deployed in a fraction of the time that it used to take. Scalable computing solutions have spawned large cloud computing companies such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure. With a click of a button, personnel can create or reset...

Managed Vulnerability Management? Yes, You Read That Right

Image The importance of a mature vulnerability management program can’t be overstated. File integrity monitoring (FIM) and security configuration management (SCM) might be the bedrock of a strong cybersecurity program, but they can only go so far. Scanning for vulnerabilities needs to be a foundational part of your program, too. The...