

Mind the Gap: Strengthening Cybersecurity Through Behavioral Awareness

Exploring the intricate relationship between people and cybersecurity opens up a dynamic landscape where individuals' decisions, habits, and intentions significantly impact the safety and integrity of digital systems. Cybercriminals are savvy opportunists, and like pickpockets, they go where the crowds are. They scan the virtual world, identifying weaknesses in the popular sites and systems...

AI Autonomy and the Future of Cybersecurity

Have you ever wondered how Artificial Intelligence (AI) could mimic consciousness and autonomously control various tasks? It sounds rather daunting. However, it may not be as intimidating as it seems under the right conditions. Moreover, Would AI perform tasks independently in the same manner as humans? And what implications does this hold for...

EU Is Tightening Cybersecurity for Energy Providers

The energy sector is having a tumultuous decade. During the COVID pandemic, the price of oil plummeted. In 2021, a ransomware attack forced one of the US’s most significant oil pipelines to cease operations for five days, causing a state of emergency in seventeen states. Putin’s war in Ukraine has disrupted natural gas supplies across Europe. And now, it seems, it is the electricity providers’...

Measuring the Effectiveness of File Integrity Monitoring Tools

A security incident can be the result of a single unauthorised change. A few may say, 'one change is inconsequential, don't sweat the small stuff.' But when it comes to infrastructure security, the detail is of paramount importance! Just a single edit to a single line item can have a negative effect on an entire file or operating system. It's essential...

Cloud Sprawl: How to Tidy It Up

Cloud computing offers indisputable benefits, but with the caveat that it can quickly become a disorganized jumble unless adequately managed. It’s common for the average organization to use dozens of cloud instances, solutions, and resources scattered across multiple platforms. Such off-premises services quickly accumulate to accommodate the company’s...

Top 7 Cybersecurity Trends for Enterprises in 2024

How can an organization prepare to be cyber-resilient in 2024? The major trends to look out for seem to focus mainly on AI. While the rise of generative AI indeed poses challenges, executives should be cautious not to miss other critical trends that will shape the cybersecurity landscape this year. AI-driven Social Engineering Since the advent of...

Making Data Integrity Easy: Simplifying NIST CSF with Tripwire

When you think of the cybersecurity "CIA" triad of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability, which one of those is most important to your organization? While the answer may vary by season for your organization, there is no argument that they are all equally vital sides of that CIA triangle, and each deserves the correct level of care and attention. ...

Why Is Cyber Resilience Essential and Who's Responsible for It?

In the first installment of our series on cyber resilience, we discussed what being a resilient organization means. In this installment, we'll explore why organizations need to consider how to become resilient, who's responsible for achieving this, and the processes organizations must have to prioritize actions and effectively spend their budgets. Why...

Ensuring Privacy in the Age of AI: Exploring Solutions for Data Security and Anonymity in AI

With the widespread use of AI technology, numerous AI models gather and process vast amounts of data, much of which comprises personal information utilized to offer personalized experiences. However, this abundance of data poses inherent risks, particularly in terms of privacy and security. As AI systems become more sophisticated, the potential for...

Vulnerability Scanning vs. Penetration Testing

In the modern digital landscape, cybersecurity is paramount, making the differentiation between vulnerability scanning and penetration testing essential for safeguarding organizational assets. Vulnerability scanning offers a broad sweep for potential security weaknesses, serving as an early warning system. Penetration testing takes a more targeted...

Tripwire Patch Priority Index for April 2024

Tripwire's April 2024 Patch Priority Index (PPI) brings together important vulnerabilities for Microsoft. Firsts on the list are patches for Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) and Chromium that resolve 2 spoofing vulnerabilities. Next on the patch priority list this month is a patch for Microsoft Office and Excel that resolves spoofing and remote code...

Cybersecurity: The Battle of Wits

With cybersecurity, the digital battlegrounds stretch across the vast expanse of the internet. On the one side, we have increasingly sophisticated and cunning adversaries. On the other, skilled cybersecurity practitioners who are desperate to protect their companies’ assets at all costs. One fundamental truth rings clear: it’s an ongoing and relentless...

Defending Against Supply Chain Spoofing in Critical Manufacturing

Supply chain attacks are a serious and growing threat to businesses across all industries. However, these attacks pose an even greater risk for manufacturers in critical infrastructure sectors. One pernicious form of supply chain attack is spoofing, where attackers impersonate legitimate suppliers to sneak malicious code or components into products....

Machines vs Minds: The Power of Human Ingenuity Against Cyber Threats

Most people remember the iconic movie Terminator, in which the cyborg T-800 was dispatched back in time from the year 2029 with the mission to eliminate Sarah Connor. She was destined to give birth to the future leader of the human resistance against machines, thus threatening their dominance. If Sarah were killed, humanity's fate would be sealed, and...

10 Database Security Best Practices You Should Know

Statista shows a near doubling of data compromises between last year (3,205) and the year before (1,802). Cybercriminals go where the data goes, and there is more need than ever for effective database security measures. These tactics differ from network security practices, which rely heavily on software solutions and even employee best practices. When...

"All for One and One for All": The EU Cyber Solidarity Act Strengthens Digital Defenses

Alexandre Dumas's timeless novel "The Three Musketeers" immortalized the ideal of unyielding solidarity, the enduring motto "All for one and one for all." In the face of ever-evolving threats in the digital realm, the European Union echoes this spirit with its landmark Cyber Solidarity Act. This new legislation recognizes that collective defense is the...

Supply Chain Cybersecurity – the importance of everyone

  I’m always surprised – and a little disappointed – at how far we have to go before supply chain cybersecurity gets the respect and attention it deserves. I sat down this week with a new client who wanted some help addressing several internal issues surrounding their IT systems. When I asked them about their relationship with the supplier –...

SCM and NERC: What You Need to Know

Security configurations are an often ignored but essential factor in any organization’s security posture: any tool, program, or solution can be vulnerable to cyberattacks or other security incidents if the settings are not configured correctly. Staying on top of all of these security configurations can be a daunting responsibility for security or IT...

ITRC's 2023 Data Breach Report Is a Mixed Bag

In the first quarter of every year, organizations around the world release reports summing up data breach trends from the previous twelve months. And every year, these reports say broadly the same thing: data breach numbers have gone up again. This year is no different. Or is it? Compromises Up, Victims Down However, the Identity Theft Resource Center...