

Lessons to learn after hackers hijack HBO's Facebook and Twitter accounts

It's never a dull day if you're working in HBO's IT security team. One day you're dealing with the unauthorised leaking of upcoming episodes of "Game of Thrones", next you're facing multi-million dollar extortion demands from hackers who've broken into your network and stolen 1.5 terabytes data and the personal contact details of your celebrity cast,...

Amber Rudd tricked by email prankster who duped White House officials

British Home Secretary Amber Rudd has been duped into sharing her personal email address with a prankster who has previously embarrassed the likes of Bank of England governor Mark Carney and Barclays boss Jes Staley, as well as Donald Trump Jr and various White House officials. Rudd, who recently courted controversy in the security industry by...

July 2017: The Month in Ransomware

July was relatively slow in terms of ransomware. Some crooks must have been on vacation spending ill-gotten money at deluxe resorts. Well, why not? They sure can afford it. The rest were busy releasing small shoddy strains and reanimating old ones. Here’s what the month looked like in the numbers: 42 new samples went live, 33 existing ones were fine...

Are you looking at me? Welcome to the world of facial recognition

As new technologies develop, it's worth reminding ourselves that just because we can do something doesn't mean that we should. Often a new technology can bring plenty of new opportunities to do amazing things, but that doesn't mean that it cannot also be ripe for abuse. That's certainly the case with facial recognition technology, where some law...

Security Risks to Consider When Deploying Containers on Docker

Docker – a platform for OS-level virtualization instances known as containers – has become a hugely popular infrastructure technology. Flexible containerization is completely changing the way we build and maintain applications at scale, with analyst group RedMonk identifying the large enterprise market as a key driving force. Towards the end of April,...

Last month's malware outbreak cost this household company £100 million

Reckitt Benckiser, the household goods manufacturer of such famous products as Nurofen painkillers, Durex condoms, Dettol, and Harpic, has warned that it was hit hard by the June 27th global malware outbreak which struck power plants, airports, and government agencies in Ukraine before spreading to other multinational firms. In a sales warning for...

8tracks Hacked: 18 Million User Account Details Stolen

There's bad news for internet music fans, as it has been revealed that the details of millions of users of the 8tracks internet radio service and music social network have been stolen by hackers. In a message posted on its corporate blog, 8tracks confirms it has suffered a security breach: "We received credible reports today that a copy of our user...

WannaCry Ransomware Infects Australian Traffic Cameras, Human Error Blamed

It has been revealed that 55 traffic and speed cameras in the state of Victoria, Australia, have been accidentally infected with the WannaCry ransomware that struck organisations hard around the world last month. Local radio station 3AW broke the news, after receiving a tip from a listener that the highway and intersection cameras operated by Redflex...

How a Single Email Stole $1.9 Million from Southern Oregon University

Southern Oregon University has announced that it is the latest organization to fall victim to a business email compromise (BEC) attack after fraudsters tricked the educational establishment into transferring money into a bank account under their control. According to media reports, the university fell for the scam in late April when it wired $1.9...

What the hacking of Gordon Ramsay’s email teaches us all

It doesn't matter if you're a regular computer user, the chairman of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign ,  or a notoriously short-fused celebrity chef, we all need to harden the defences of our email accounts. Tabloid readers should know that all too well, having seen plenty of stories over the years of intimate photos stolen from Hollywood actress...

How to Get Away with Hacking the Department of Homeland Security

Many businesses live in fear of having their systems hacked. After all, who wants their customers' data to spill out onto the internet or have their confidential plans and intellectual property stolen by online criminals? But more and more organizations like Google, Facebook, and Amazon are actually welcoming attempts to test their security in the hope...

Zomato Hacked! Database of 17 Million Users Stolen

Restaurant search website Zomato has announced that it has suffered a major security breach, resulting in the theft of a user database containing 17 million users' names, email addresses and passwords. The news comes as it is reported that a hacker calling themselves "nclay" is claiming to offer the database for sale on the dark web. ...

Persirai IoT botnet threatens to hijack over 120,000 IP cameras

Internet-connected cameras around the world are once again being hijacked by malicious hackers in order to carry out distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. Security researchers at Trend Micro have identified that over 1,000 different models of Internet Protocol (IP) cameras are at risk of being compromised by the threat dubbed Persirai, which...

How to Build a Secure Wordpress Environment

In Part 1 of this series, we covered how easy it is for any novice to set up a self-hosted WordPress site and how quickly security can fall between the cracks. In this blog post, I will share with you what to look for in a Webhost provider, how to secure and harden WordPress, and what often-overlooked items you should watch out for during this process. ...

ISP Brought Down by Warring Malware Families

A battle between two rival families of malware is being blamed for the downtime that a Californian ISP suffered earlier this month. As BleepingComputer reports, customers of Sierra Tel unexpectedly found themselves without telephone and internet connectivity on April 10. In a statement issued by the ISP the following day, the blame was put firmly on "a...