

Hackers Hit Health Insurer Anthem, Millions of Customer Records at Risk

Anthem, the second largest health insurer in the United States, has admitted that hackers broke into its servers and accessed databases containing sensitive customer information. According to a statement issued by Anthem, who were formerly known as Wellpoint, both current and former customers are at risk after the hackers managed to gain access to...

Marriott Customers' Personal Details Exposed by Simple Web Flaw

Here's a piece of advice for anyone responsible for securing a corporation's data: If you discover security researcher Randy Westergren is using your app, you had best take a long hard look at whether you are protecting your users' information properly. Because, if you're not, there's a good chance that he might be about to tell you what you're doing...

Kim Dotcom Reveals His End-to-End Encrypted Video Chat Service, MegaChat

The ever-controversial hacker-turned-millionaire-entrepreneur Kim Dotcom has announced the public beta launch of an end-to-end encrypted audio and video chat service, which he calls MegaChat. Anyone with an account on Mega's file-sharing file-syncing service can now access what is claimed to be a more secure alternative to Skype, boasting end-to-end...

Criminals Are After Your LinkedIn Account - Here is How to Protect it

Regularly in the news we hear about organisations having their Twitter or Facebook accounts compromised by cybercriminals - but they're not the only social media outlets which hackers and fraudsters have an interest in hijacking. Researchers at Symantec have warned this week of an increasing number of phishing emails being spammed out, claiming to come...

Top Influencers in Security You Should Be Following in 2015

In December of 2011, Tripwire published a list of security’s top 25 influencers. More than three years later, we are pleased to announce a new list for 2015 -- The Infosec Avengers! For each influencer whom we have selected, we include their Twitter handle, blog URL and reasoning for selecting them. We also include their answer for what infosec-related...