

CIS Control 09: Email and Web Browser Protections

Web browsers and email clients are used to interact with external and internal assets. Both applications can be used as a point of entry within an organization. Users of these applications can be manipulated using social engineering attacks. A successful social engineering attack needs to convince users to interact with malicious content. A successful...

Prioritizing Changes: File Integrity Monitoring Tools & Best Practices

What does file integrity mean? There’s not enough time in the day to investigate every system change, which means you need laser-sharp focus to quickly find the greatest risks to your business. However, the ever-evolving capabilities of cyber adversaries—coupled with the dynamic nature of corporate networks—makes security prioritization increasingly difficult. To combat enterprise cyberthreats...

Quick Guide to Modern Security Configuration Management

Security configuration management is the cybersecurity process of ensuring systems are properly configured to meet security and compliance standards, reducing cyber risk in the process. The practice of detecting and remediating misconfigurations combines elements of integrity monitoring, configuration validation, vulnerability assessment, and system remediation. "The reliability of (Tripwire...

Managed Vulnerability Management? Yes, You Read That Right

The importance of a mature vulnerability management program can’t be overstated. File integrity monitoring (FIM) and security configuration management (SCM) might be the bedrock of a strong cybersecurity program, but they can only go so far. Scanning for vulnerabilities needs to be a foundational part of your program, too. The Center for Internet...