

The Executive's Guide to the CIS Controls

See how simple and effective security controls can create a framework that helps you protect your organization and data from known cyber attack vectors. This publication was designed to assist executives by providing guidance for implementing broad baseline technical controls that are required to ensure a robust network security posture. In this guide, we will cover a wide range of topics...

Essential PCI DSS v4.0 Transition Checklist

The proliferation of online transactions isn’t the only reason the PCI Council created the new 4.0 standard. Recent years have also seen increasingly sophisticated methods among cybercriminals, a surge in cloud use, and the rise of contactless payments. This spurred the need for an updated set of PCI DSS requirements, which were released in March 2022 and will become mandatory in March 2024 for...

Executing an Efficient Cloud Security Strategy

How do organizations execute an efficient cloud security strategy and find the right cloud security tools? Tripwire asked a range of cloud security experts to share their thoughts on some of the key challenges regarding secure cloud storage and cloud computing security.

Meet the Women Protecting Your Data

For every woman in an S&P 1500 chief executive role, there are four men named John, Robert, William or James—meaning there are more Williams than women in those roles. This gender gap also spans most STEM careers, cybersecurity included. Women make up only 20 percent of the global cybersecurity industry. If there’s any silver lining to be found in that stat, it’s that the number has nearly...

Defending Industrial Control Systems

Threats to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) are increasing—a reality that ICS-centric industries have begun to recognize. As a response to the growing need for protection from cyberattacks, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the National Security Agency (NSA) have published Seven Steps to Effectively Defend Industrial...

Detailed Mapping of the Tripwire and CIS Controls

The goal of the Center for Internet Security Controls is to protect critical assets, infrastructure and information by strengthening your organization's defensive posture through continuous, automated protection and monitoring of your IT infrastructure. The strength of the Controls is that it reflects the combined knowledge of actual attacks and effective defenses from experts in many...

18 Expert Tips for Effective and Secure Cloud Migration

Organizations are increasingly migrating to the cloud to process their IT resources. Gartner predicts that cloud data centers will process 92 percent of workloads by 20201, while Cisco forecasts cloud workloads to increase 3.2x in that span of time2. Under the Shared Responsibility Model, migrating organizations need to ensure security in the cloud by taking adequate measures to protect their...

Integrity: The True Measure of Enterprise Security

Federal cybersecurity integrity is often defined as the incorruptibility of data (as part of the CIA triad), and file integrity monitoring (FIM), a control which has become a compliance requirement in standards such as FISMA and PCI DSS. Read the full white paper to learn more.

Defending Against Risking Cyber Attacks on Pharmaceutical Companies

Pharmaceutical companies are prime targets for cyber attacks given the significance and prevalence of their intellectual property. The consequences of a successful breach are concerning, ranging from stolen IP, repeating clinical trials, contaminated drugs, physical damage and downtime, litigation and lost revenue. IT security is top of mind for pharmaceutical companies but they also must comply...

Cybersecurity Is Everyone's Job

Cybersecurity responsibilities can’t fall on security teams alone. Contrary to the common misunderstanding that cyber threats are a technology problem looking for a technology solution, the data clearly and consistently shows that employees are the greatest vulnerability of any organization. But how do other stakeholders—like professionals in HR, sales and legal—contribute to the security posture...

Building a Foundation for Zero Trust

As highlighted in the Biden Administration’s Cybersecurity Executive Order (EO), Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) stands to be the de facto security approach of the federal government. But agencies that implement a zero trust architecture without first establishing a foundation of integrity across all critical systems will not achieve true zero trust. Why? All zero trust architectures must be built...

Closing the Integrity Gap with NIST's Cybersecurity Framework

When the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced that it had released its new Cybersecurity Framework in 2014, it appeared on the surface to be just one more option for organizations looking to develop a cohesive and effective cyber risk management strategy. Indeed, there are dozens of choices available and organizations have been all over the map when it comes to deciding...

Cloud Control Buyer's Guide

Introduction The world of IT is moving to the cloud for flexibility, on-demand computing resources, and speed just to name a few benefits. Market data varies but estimates of cloud usage show that in the range of 20–25% of overall compute workloads are operating in public cloud environments today, with that expected to grow to 50% over the next 5–10 years. However, most organizations haven’t...

Cloud Article Anthology, vol. 1

Security leaders charged with reducing their organizations’ cloud attack surfaces have to stay continually up-to-date in a security landscape that changes in the blink of an eye. This anthology of insights from some of Tripwire’s leading cloud experts will help you understand how to prioritize and tackle your cloud security imperatives. Download your copy now to learn: Eight cloud security...

Communicating Cybersecurity to Boards and Executives: A Workbook to Help Build Cybersecurity Literacy

We’ve all heard, “it’s not a matter of if you’ll be breached, but when.” If a breach occurs, is your organization prepared to detect it quickly? Now more than ever, corporate executives and boards are asking for assurance that the organization and its sensitive data is adequately protected. This cybersecurity self-assessment is derived from the Cyber-Risk and Oversight Handbook developed by the...

How to Achieve Compliance with the NIS Directive

Network and information systems (NIS) and the essential functions they support play a vital role in society from ensuring the supply of electricity, water, oil and gas to the provisioning of healthcare and the safety of passenger and freight transport. In addition, computerized systems are performing vital safety-related functions designed to protect human lives. For example, such systems are...

Adjusting to the Reality of Risk Management Framework

The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is an approach to systems security management that adjusts security controls based on risk factors. The practice involves a continuous cycle of identifying new threats, choosing effective controls, measuring their effectiveness and improving system security. Federal entities need to understand and utilize RMF as...

Building a Mature Vulnerability Management Program

A successful vulnerability management program requires more than the right technology. It requires dedicated people and mature processes. When done properly, the result can be a continuously improving risk management system for your organization. This white paper was written by CISSP-certified Tripwire system engineers with extensive experience in implementation of vulnerability management...

Actionable Threat Intelligence: Automated IoC Matching with Tripwire

A key security challenge is finding and rooting out malware that has already become embedded on key assets. Organizations today have myriad threat intelligence sources to leverage. However, simply getting the intelligence into your organization is not enough. Unless you have a way to operationalize myriad threat intelligence sources to make it actionable and useful, threat intelligence just...

The Five Stages of Vulnerability Management Maturity

One key element of an effective information security program within your organization is having a good vulnerability management (VM) program, as it can identify critical risks. Most, if not all, regulatory policies require a VM program, and information security frameworks advise implementing VM as one of first things an organization should do when building their information security program. ...