

Tripwire Services Comparison Datasheet

Not all organizations have the internal resources necessary to manage their cybersecurity and compliance solutions in-house. This may seem like a roadblock to those who see the greater potential of their solutions and want to do more to reach their goals but cannot expand their technical teams due to the high demand for qualified candidates or budgetary limitations. However, the services available...

Tripwire Products: Quick Reference Guide

Here at The State of Security, we cover everything from breaking stories about new cyberthreats to step-by-step guides on passing your next compliance audit. But today we’d like to offer a straight-forward roundup of Fortra's Tripwire product suite. Get to know the basics of Tripwire’s core solutions for file integrity monitoring (FIM), security...

Tripwire NERC CIP Report Catalog

Fortra’s Tripwire NERC CIP Solution Suite is an advanced offering that augments Tripwire’s tools for meeting 23 of NERC CIP’s 44 requirements. The Tripwire NERC CIP Solution Suite allows you to achieve and maintain NERC CIP compliance with high efficacy and reduced effort. This suite includes continuous monitoring of cyber assets, automated assessment of security, and audit-ready evidence with...

Highlights From the Tripwire Energy & NERC Compliance Working Group

Recently, Tripwire held its Energy and NERC Compliance Working Group virtual event. Tripwire has customers spanning the entire energy industry, including small, medium, and large city municipals, cooperatives, and investor-owned utilities and energy companies. The information shared in these sessions offered valuable insights for both very mature...

Automate Change Monitoring With Tripwire State Analyzer

Changes occur nearly every second in the typical network. These changes most commonly include those made to group memberships, which ports are open, software patches, and a variety of other categories. That is precisely why it is so important to remain compliant with standards that regulate change monitoring, such as North American Energy Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection ...

Tripwire State Analyzer Report Catalog

Tripwire® State Analyzer automates change alerts. It works in tandem with Tripwire Enterprise and Tripwire IP360™ to provide smart alerting and automation in critical security areas that are not manageable by traditional system state monitoring approaches. Originally developed for customers with high security requirements in the electric generation and transmission utilities industry, its high...

Tripwire State Analyzer

Get Safe and Compliant Keeping your organization safe and compliant is challenging and complex. Security is more effective when you have documented baselines for a system’s configuration, usually in the form of a security policy. These policies specify recommended or required system configurations, including applications, ports, services, and security basics. But ask yourself: How can I validate...

Tripwire Industrial Edge

However, gaining this caliber of visibility can be challenging for many reasons, including: Standard IT solutions and scanning methods are typically incompatible with and unsafe for industrial networks » Traditional industrial asset inventory solutions often require hardware that can be costly, complex, and time consuming to deploy Many industrial networks are geographically isolated and/or air...

NERC CIP 013 Compliance

More attention is being paid to risks around the supply chain in the bulk electricity system (BES). When third-party vendors introduce new products, software and personnel into a power supplier’s environment, the potential for new cyber risks increases. For this reason, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) recently added a new set of requirements to its Critical...

Bridging the IT/OT Cybersecurity Gap

With notable industrial cyber events on the rise, the 2020s are shaping up to be a challenging time for operational technology (OT) operators concerned with the safety, security, and compliance of their operational technology networks. To protect their OT environments, everyone from plant managers to CISOs is facing increased pressure to deploy effective cybersecurity solutions. However,...