

Tips for Ensuring HIPAA Compliance

Like every other industry, the healthcare sector is barely recognizable when compared to its state 20 years ago. It, too, has been transfigured by technology. While this has brought many impactful benefits, it has also introduced at least one major challenge: keeping sensitive patient information private. At the heart of this privacy challenge stands...

Why Therapists need Data Protection and Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity in Mental Healthcare - The Overlooked Risk Did you know the New-Age Therapeutic sector is unregulated? If that surprises you, then you’re not alone. I was a little surprised, too. Yes, there are various professional bodies a practitioner can join, and there are courses they can attend, but they aren’t forced to.  It should be noted that...

Plastic surgeries warned by the FBI that they are being targeted by cybercriminals

Plastic surgeries across the United States have been issued a warning that they are being targeted by cybercriminals in plots designed to steal sensitive data including patients' medical records and photographs that will be later used for extortion. The warning, which was issued by the FBI yesterday and is directed towards plastic surgery offices and...

Tripwire ExpertOps

Many IT teams are facing challenging skills gaps or struggling with optimizing their cybersecurity software. It might be that your team is too small for their responsibilities, or that you’re finding it difficult to attract, train, and retain talent. Turnover is a common problem, with organizations and agencies often losing skilled individuals to new opportunities. Fortunately, strategically...

Tripwire ExpertOps and HIPAA Compliance

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted to safeguard Protected Health Information (PHI) by mandating procedures and controls to assure the public that critical and private information is controlled from loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability. With few exceptions, an organization is subject to HIPAA if it exchanges data related to the health care...

The Tripwire HIPAA Solution

The United States Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, or HIPAA, was enacted to safeguard Protected Health Information (PHI) by mandating procedures and controls to assure the public that critical and private information is controlled from loss of confidentiality, integrity or availability. With few exceptions, an organization is subject to HIPAA if it exchanges data...

Maintaining the Security and Integrity of Electronic Health Record Systems

The value of electronic health record (EHR) systems is immense. These digital records are designed to be available anytime and anywhere, connecting healthcare providers with patient data. EHRs are a central repository of patient medical histories, medications, diagnoses, immunization dates, allergies, lab results and radiology images. With access to this accurate patient information, providers can...

Department of Defense Overview: Integrated Security Controls to Protect Your Organization

Tripwire provides an integrated suite of solutions to help solve security challenges facing organizations within today’s Department of Defense. Tripwire tools have been used within government and military organizations in both tactical and non tactical environments to ensure system hardening through security configuration management, real time threat detection with continuous monitoring, and data...

CIS Control 09: Email and Web Browser Protections

Web browsers and email clients are used to interact with external and internal assets. Both applications can be used as a point of entry within an organization. Users of these applications can be manipulated using social engineering attacks. A successful social engineering attack needs to convince users to interact with malicious content. A successful...