

A Guide to 5 Common Twitter Scams in 2023

Image Elon Musk's ascension isn't the first thing to cause waves of scams on Twitter, and it certainly won't be the last. On July 20th of 2022, data belonging to over 5 million Twitter users was put up for sale on the internet underground for $30,000.  The FTC reported that we've experienced a recent "gold mine for scammers" and the...

BlackLotus bootkit patch may bring "false sense of security", warns NSA

Image The NSA has published a guide about how to mitigate against attacks involving the BlackLotus bootkit malware, amid fears that system administrators may not be adequately protected against the threat. The BlackLotus UEFI bootkit made a name for itself in October 2022, when it was seen being sold on cybercrime underground forums...

Insider Risk Hits Closer to Home

Image If you’re busy securing the perimeter, mandating strong authentication practices, and restricting software downloads, you may be missing the mark. (Just to be clear: if you are doing those things, keep it up. You’re off to a good start, and none of what follows here replaces classic and vital cybersecurity measures.) ...

The Real Value-Add of Red Teaming

Image They say character isn’t gained in a crisis; it’s displayed in one. By the time the disaster hits, the time for preparation has passed. But what if you could go through that earth-shattering event beforehand so when the time came, you’d be ready? Well, in security, you can. And it's not called cheating – it's called Red Teaming...

2023 Zero Trust Security Report Highlights

Image Zero trust is a hot topic in cybersecurity, and for a good reason. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to securing your data and networks; rather, zero trust offers a more holistic perspective comprised of many different safety measures and practices and a shift in perspective on security. As threat actors step up their...

How to Protect Against the Four Largest Cybersecurity Threats to Your Supply Chain

Image Digital technology is becoming an increasingly essential part of nearly every industry, and supply chains are no exception. In recent years, supply chains have become more dependent on digital solutions, from manufacturing, packing, and shipping processes, to storing records in the cloud.  While digital technology increases...

Top 5 Malware Trends on the Horizon

Image Cybercrime has become a dominant concern for many businesses, as well as individuals. Cybercriminals will target any business, and any individual if they can realize a profit from their minimal efforts. One of the ways that criminals achieve their goals is through the use of malware that garners a fast profit, such as ransomware...

The Wonderful Cybersecurity Community: Watching Past Employees Succeed

Image The cybersecurity community is one of the best communities around. Whether it is our peers, our colleagues, or our managers, there are a number of great qualities that we all share. That’s one of the reasons that we’re so lucky to work in this industry. One of the more interesting aspects of the industry is that there are so...

Minding Your Data Leaks: Simple Steps to Help Prevent Leaks

Image If you mention data leakage to most people, they may think that it sounds like a problem for a plumber, but the phrase “data leak” has specific and troubling concerns for a business. Data leakage is a particular security threat, and there are many sources for data leaks. Data Breach Versus Data Leak Data breaches occur when an...

The Role of the SEC in Enforcing InfoSec Legislation

Image What is the SEC? Founded 85 years ago at the height of the Great Depression, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has a clear mission: to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation. Put simply, the SEC aims to protect US investors by maintaining a fair market. The...

Malware menaces Minecraft mods

Image If you, or your kids, are fans of Minecraft - you might be wise not to download any new mods of plugins for a while. Computer security researchers say that they have uncovered that cybercriminals have succeeded in embedding malware named "Fracturizer" within packages and plugins used to modify the behaviour and appearance of...

Offbeat Social Engineering Tricks in a Scammer’s Handbook

Image Contrary to stereotype, today’s cyberattacks aren’t limited to complex tactics such as the use of zero-day exploits or polymorphic malware that flies under the radar of traditional defenses. Instead of going the extra mile to set such schemes in motion, most threat actors take a shortcut and piggyback the human factor. A...

What APIs Do and Don’t Do

Image It’s hard to be in the realm of technology and not hear about APIs these days. Whether it’s the launch of the ChatGPT API or news of a significant data breach at Twitter, APIs are having their time in the spotlight. Yet, despite their ubiquity, many still have questions about APIs' capabilities (and limitations). What are APIs...

Has Ransomware Turmoil Started Slowing Down for Good?

Image On the surface, ransomware – malicious software designed to block access to a computer system until a sum of money is paid – appears to be off to yet another ruthless start in 2023 as one of the leading types of malware. Recent victims of public attacks in North America include industries such as health care, communication,...

How to Avoid Cybercrime While Traveling Internationally

Image Traveling abroad, whether for business or leisure, brings plenty of tangible benefits to individuals and organizations. Coupled with the convenience of innovative technology at our fingertips, business professionals can achieve a lot if they spend much of their time on foreign shores. However, despite this digital evolution,...

The Future of Driverless Cars: Technology, Security and AI

Image Back in 2015, we published an article about the apparent perils of driverless cars. At that time, the newness and novelty of sitting back and allowing a car to drive you to your destination created a source of criminal fascination for some, and a nightmare for others. It has been eight years since the original article was...

The Issue of Insider Threats: What you Need to Know

Image Not all Risks Become Threats Insider threats are an updated version of the wolf in sheep's clothing - the people we rely on to safeguard systems and data can sometimes be the ones who pose the greatest risk. From malicious actors to negligent employees, insider threats come in many forms and can have devastating consequences...

Cybersecurity Standards in the Banking Industry

Image Cybersecurity has risen to become a major concern for nearly every industry. With the constant stream of news about the escalating numbers of breaches, it is understandable that governments have taken a more active role by passing cybersecurity and privacy legislation. Some of the industries are not top of mind to many people....