

Tripwire Services Comparison Datasheet

Not all organizations have the internal resources necessary to manage their cybersecurity and compliance solutions in-house. This may seem like a roadblock to those who see the greater potential of their solutions and want to do more to reach their goals but cannot expand their technical teams due to the high demand for qualified candidates or budgetary limitations. However, the services available...

Tripwire Products: Quick Reference Guide

Here at The State of Security, we cover everything from breaking stories about new cyberthreats to step-by-step guides on passing your next compliance audit. But today we’d like to offer a straight-forward roundup of Fortra's Tripwire product suite. Get to know the basics of Tripwire’s core solutions for file integrity monitoring (FIM), security...

Tripwire NERC CIP Report Catalog

Fortra’s Tripwire NERC CIP Solution Suite is an advanced offering that augments Tripwire’s tools for meeting 23 of NERC CIP’s 44 requirements. The Tripwire NERC CIP Solution Suite allows you to achieve and maintain NERC CIP compliance with high efficacy and reduced effort. This suite includes continuous monitoring of cyber assets, automated assessment of security, and audit-ready evidence with...

Tripwire LogCenter: System Requirements

Determining the proper configuration and resources required for a new log management system can be tricky. Take advantage of Tripwire LogCenter’s software-based deployment to meet current demands and grow capacity when needed. Tripwire LogCenter can collect data from almost any source using standard formats. For in-depth data collection, use the advanced Log Collector Agent.View the platforms...

Tripwire LogCenter Data Collection Capabilities

Tripwire® LogCenter® supports a variety of data collection methods, including agent-based collection using the Tripwire Axon® agent, and agentless collection via syslog, SNMP, WMI, file collectors and remote connectors for Cisco, Check Point and databases. The Tripwire Axon agent available with Tripwire LogCenter supports the following platforms: CentOS Linux 5.3–5.11+ (32- and 64-bit) CentOS...

Tripwire Enterprise Integrations

Tripwire offers mature, refined integration frameworks. With them, you can combine Tripwire Enterprise’s rich change, configuration and compliance information with data from additional security solutions, like SIEMs, change management (CM) systems, change management databases (CMDBs), and governance, risk and compliance (GRC) systems.

Tripwire NERC Solution Suite

North American electric utility companies constantly balance the need to be audit-ready for NERC CIP compliance against their top priority: ensuring the reliability of the bulk electric system. NERC CIP compliance, especially when approached using manual methods, is complex, time-consuming, and prone to human error. Further, NERC CIP requirements often infer security skill sets beyond those of...