

DEF CON 23 Preview: Confessions of a Professional Cyber Stalker

Image I am honored to be presenting at DEF CON 23 this August in Las Vegas where I will be presenting a session titled “Confessions of a Professional Cyber Stalker." In my talk, I will be discussing various technologies and methods I developed and used to track criminals leading to at least two dozen convictions. Many times in the...

Escalation of Commitment Part 2: Three Possible Scenarios

Image Following from a recent post on ‘Escalation of Commitment’, a topic studied by both Economists and Psychologist, I could not resist writing a follow-up to explore the consequences for third parties that do not have the preparation and/or resources of the parties involved in scenarios of escalation of commitment in the IT...

Ashley Madison Hack Threatens to Expose 37 Million Adulterers

Image Image Source: Krebs on Security A recent hack at Ashley Madison, an online cheating website, could expose the personal information of 37 million users. According to Brian Krebs, who broke the story on his blog, a group of hackers known as The Impact Team have all ready released some...

Infosec Influencers: An Interview with Bruce Schneier

Image This week, as part of our new "Infosec Influencer" series, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Bruce Schneier, an internationally renowned security technologist and one of The State of Security's Top Influencers in Security You Should Be Following in 2015. He has written 12 books, including Liars and Outliers: Enabling the...

MiniDionis: Where a Voicemail Can Lead to a Malware Attack

Image For just over a week, government departments, research institutes and other high-value targets have been on the sharp end of a sophisticated attack, where fake voicemails are being used to create a diversion while malware infects computer systems. As security researchers at Palo Alto Networks's Unit 42 division detail, it is...

Attack Exploits Weaknesses in RC4 Algorithm to Reveal Encrypted Data

Image Two Belgian security researchers have developed a method that allows an attacker to exploit weaknesses found in the RC4 encryption algorithm and subsequently expose information that was once thought to be encrypted. According to a blog post written by Mathy Vanhoef and and Frank Piessens of the University of Leuven, their RC4...

Automating Email Phishing with SPF

Image Due to the increased number of reported high-profile attacks, it is likely that you have heard of "phishing". What exactly is phishing? At its core, phishing is the sending of an email to a target with the intent of having the target perform some action that will lead to the attacker gaining some new piece of information or...

VERT Threat Alert: July 2015 Patch Tuesday Analysis

Image Today’s VERT Alert addresses 14 new Microsoft Security Bulletins. VERT is actively working on coverage for these bulletins in order to meet our 24-hour SLA and expects to ship ASPL-623 on Wednesday, July 15th. MS15-058 SQL Server Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability CVE-2015-1761 SQL Server Remote Code Execution...

Microservices, SSL Everywhere, and Your Sanity

Image It is always the case that changes – particularly radical changes – to application architectures have a ripple effect across the data center. And ripples turn into waves as they travel away from the epicenter, in this case leaving security professionals swamped. And like a bad “B-side” disaster flick, the danger isn’t coming...

Click-Fraud Attacks Being Used to Deliver More Sinister Threats

Image Click-fraud is traditionally thought of as a widespread but low-impact online risk. Using this method of attack, criminals steal money away from pay-per-click (PPC) online advertisers by commanding another person or bot to click on an ad for the purposes of generating a charge per click. No actual interest is generated by these...

Darknet Cybercriminal Reflections: They're So Clever!

Image I’ve spent a copious amount of time on the Darknet this year in a quest to gain more understanding on how cybercriminals think. I’ve been studying their communities, how they operate in the Darknetmarkets (such as Silk Road), perusing their forums, analyzing their marketing techniques, and contemplating how they justify their...

Searching the Enterprise for Known Indicators of Breach

Image Given the recent high-profile breaches, a key challenge facing government agencies and other security-minded organizations is rooting out malware that has already become embedded on key assets. Multiple vendors are offering cloud-based sandbox analytics services, and/or on-premises appliances, that can analyze new binaries to...