

Infosec Influencers: An Interview with Graham Cluley – Part 2

Image I am pleased to present Part 2 of my recent interview with Graham Cluley, an award-winning security blogger on DB: How do you feel the security industry has changed since you first started in the 1990s? GC: The industry has grown up enormously. Originally, it was just a cottage industry made up of little – often...

Infosec Influencers: An Interview with Graham Cluley – Part 1

Image This week, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Graham Cluley, an award-winning security blogger on, researcher and public speaker. He has been working in the computer security industry since the early 1990s, having been employed by companies such as Sophos, McAfee and Dr Solomon’s. Graham has given talks...

Could Emoji Passcodes be Safer for Online Bank Users?

Image What more can be done about passwords? We tell users to choose unique, complicated passwords that contain a gallimaufry of bizarre characters - and they tell us they're impossible to remember, especially when they need to remember different passwords for the many different websites out there. We tell computer users to get help...

iOS Mail bug makes it easy to steal victims' passwords

Image I would wager that most people who have an iPhone or iPad use the default Apple iOS Mail application, rather than a third-party app, to read their email. And if you're one of those people, you could be at risk from an unpatched vulnerability that could allow hackers to convincingly trick you into handing them your passwords. As...

Rombertik: A Master of Evasive Malware Techniques

Image Earlier this month, several media outlets ran a story claiming that a new type of malware could be used to destroy victims’ computers. These stories might have fared well in views, but their fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) have proven useful to no one. Fortunately, a number of security experts including Graham Cluley were...

United Airlines Bug Bounty - Find Vulnerabilities, Win Airmiles!

Image It seems more and more companies are beginning to understand the benefits of running a bug bounty program, encouraging vulnerability researchers to report security flaws responsibly (for a reward) rather than publishing details on the web or selling a flaw to potentially malicious parties. The latest high profile firm found...

Millions of WordPress Websites at Risk from in-the-wild Exploit

Image What's happened? A widespread vulnerability has been found in WordPress, that impacts millions of websites running the popular blogging software and content management system. What's the vulnerability? It's a cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability inside the popular JetPack plugin. and the default Twenty Fifteen theme...

How to crash any iPhone or iPad within WiFi range

Image Security researchers presenting at this week's RSA Conference in San Francisco, have uncovered a whole new compelling reason to switch off your phone. Skycure's Yair Amit and Adi Sharabani have demonstrated a startling vulnerability in iOS that can allow malicious hackers to crash any iOS device within range of a WiFi hotspot....

French TV network taken off air after attack by pro-ISIS hackers

Image Pro-ISIS hackers have managed to take a French TV network off air, and hijack its website and Facebook page. 11 channels belonging to the French-language TV network, which broadcasts to more than 200 countries worldwide, stopped transmitting programmes after what was described as an "extremely powerful cyberattack". The TV...

How to Detect and Attack Evil Twin WiFi Access Points

Image The evil twin is not just a schlocky plot device for TV crime shows and absurd soap operas, it's also a threat to your company's data. It's relatively easy for a criminal to set up an evil twin rogue wireless access point that mimics one that your users and visitors connect to, whether on your premises or in a public place, with...

Facebook Might Have Exposed Your Phone's Private Photos

Image   Another serious privacy vulnerability has been found on Facebook, which could have put at risk the private photos of millions of users. The problem lies in Facebook Photo Sync, an opt-in feature that the social network introduced in late 2012, which meant any photos you took on your iPhone or Android device would automatically...

Hey Siri, How Come Strangers Are Listening To My Private Messages?

Image I don't often use Siri on my iPhone, but I've got to admit that when I do it's really handy. I'll be driving the car and thinking "Arrrghh! I forgot to put out the recycling last night. I'd better say sorry to my wife as soon as possible, as she'll be mad at me." I could stop the car on the hard shoulder (which would be...

All Versions of Windows Vulnerable to FREAK Attack, Confirms Microsoft

Image There's bad news for any Windows users who were thinking that the recently-announced FREAK vulnerability wasn't something they had to particularly worry about. When first announced, it was thought that the newly-discovered flaw in SSL/TLS was limited to Apple's Safari and Google's Android web browsers, opening the possibility of...