

FluBot malware warning after 70,000 attacks launched over SMS

Image Finland's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-FI) has issued a warning about malicious SMS messages that have been spammed out to mobile users, directing iPhone owners to phishing sites and Android users to download malware. The messages are written in Finnish but without the customary accented characters. In some instances,...

The UK pushes for better supply chain cybersecurity

Image If the UK Government gets its way, IT service vendors and other cloud-based service providers may soon be required to adopt new measures to strengthen their cybersecurity, amid rising concerns about supply chain risks. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has floated plans to make mandatory compliance...

"PlugWalkJoe" indicted for $784K SIM swap cryptocurrency theft

Image The U.S. Department of Justice charged a British man for his alleged role in stealing $784,000 worth of cryptocurrency using SIM swap attacks. According to the unsealed indictment, Joseph James O'Connor – also known as "PlugWalkJoe" – conspired with others to steal approximately $784,000 worth of cryptocurrency from a Manhattan...

FBI warns of Ranzy Locker ransomware threat, as over 30 companies hit

Image   The FBI has warned that over 30 US-based companies had been hit by the Ranzy Locker ransomware by July this year, in a flash alert to other organisations who may be at risk. According to the alert, issued with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), most of the victims were compromised after brute force...

Analysis of 80 million ransomware samples reveals a world under attack

Image Google has released a report taking a close look at the more than 80 million ransomware samples uploaded to its VirusTotal service in the last year and a half. Each day, approximately 150,000 ransomware samples were analysed by the free VirusTotal service after being submitted by suspicious computer users, and shared with the...

US Government tells firms not to give in to ransomware demands

Image The US Government has underlined once again that it continues to strongly discourage organisations hit by ransomware from giving in to extortion demands. In an updated advisory, the Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has called upon businesses not to pay ransoms, and to focus on cybersecurity...

Where Should We Draw the Cyber Blue Line?

Image What are the limits of online privacy and law enforcement? Can we clearly define them, or is this a vague and blurred area of debate? The fact is that as technology advances, the real and the virtual worlds are increasingly converging. Actions (or inactions) in the cyberspace introduce risks and threats for people, especially...

FBI and CISA warn that cybercriminals don't take holidays

Image The FBI and CISA (the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) have jointly issued an advisory to organisations, warning about an increase in the number of attacks coinciding with weekends and holidays. With the Labor Day weekend rapidly approaching, the agencies have reminded businesses to be especially vigilant,...

FBI warns of OnePercent ransomware gang – what you need to know

Image What's happened? The FBI has published a warning about a ransomware gang called the OnePercent Group, which has been attacking U.S. companies since November 2020. How are companies being attacked by the OnePercent gang? The gang emails targeted individuals inside an organization using social engineering tricks to dupe the...

Want to ban someone from Instagram? That'll cost you just $60

Image Got a grudge against an Instagram user? Well, scammers may just have the perfect service for you - at quite an affordable price. As Joseph Cox at Motherboard reports, the criminal underground has stepped beyond the likes of offering ransomware-as-a-service and DDoS-attacks-for-hire to advertise an easy way for anyone to target...