

IRS Confirms Data Breach of 100,000 Tax Accounts

Image The Internal Revenue Service has confirmed a data breach of 100,000 taxpayers' account information. According to a statement posted on the IRS website, criminals allegedly used sensitive information stolen from non-IRS sources to gain unauthorized access to taxpayers' accounts. To access the site, the criminals made use of...

Mobile Banking Security Concerns on the Rise for Financial Institutions

Image It's been almost a year since what some analysts consider the first successful major threat to mobile banking, known as Svpeng, hit the United States. Spreading via a text message campaign, the Svpeng malware went after Android phones. While Svpeng didn’t steal mobile banking credentials, it did detect the presence of certain...

Scareware Minecraft Apps Downloaded by Millions of Android Users

Image A security firm has revealed that upwards of 2.8 million users have downloaded scareware masquerading as legitimate Minecraft apps off of Google Play Store. According to a blog post written by Lukas Stefanko, a Malware Researcher for ESET, 30 malicious applications pretending to be cheats for the popular computer game...

Microsoft and the Software Lifecycle

Image For some reason, Europe’s ‘The Final Countdown’ was playing in my head as I sat and pondered this write-up. I suppose that’s fitting given that we are about to cross the 60-day mark until Windows Server 2003 goes End-of-Life. The concept of product EOL can be confusing, especially given the frequent cross-contamination that...

Data Breach Affects Thousands of Bergen County Patients

Image Thousands of patients have been alerted that their medical records were potentially stolen in a data breach that affected at least three hospitals located in Bergen County, New Jersey. According to officials, an employee of Medical Management LLC, a healthcare billing company located in North Carolina, allegedly stole the names,...

LogJam: Who is the Man-in-the-Middle?

Image While we're all collectively struggling with how to internalize Logjam, a high-profile vulnerability that doesn't have a catchy logo, I'd like to take those who are interested aside for a moment to consider how we might talk about the threat this vulnerability poses. I'll start with some basics, but if you want more technical...

Vote Now for Europe's Most Popular Security Blogs!

Image We at Tripwire would like to encourage everyone to vote for their favorite security blogs in the third annual EU Security Blogger Awards 2015! Tripwire is especially proud to have been named a finalist for five categories in this year's awards among numerous other respected publications and professionals. The State of Security...

Microsoft Patching: Don't Forget to Read the Fine Print

Image During my career, I have built and managed hundreds of production-level client and server systems, and nothing can be more worrisome than when it comes time to apply patches and upgrades to software. Why? Because things can, and often times, do go wrong during patch and upgrade cycles. According to a few reports, it is possible...

Data Breach Hits Telstra's Pacnet, Exposes Customer Data

Image Telstra's Pacnet has begun contacting its customers following the discovery of a data breach that compromised its corporate IT servers on which customer data is stored. Several high-profile Pacnet customers, including the Australian Federal Police and other government agencies, were exposed by the breach. It is unclear at this...

LogJam: Researchers Identify Another Web Encryption Vulnerability

Image A new potentially high-impact vulnerability called LogJam has been revealed by researchers, which has similarities to the FREAK (CVE-2015-0204) vulnerability disclosed a few months ago, whereby a man-in-the-middle attack can be implemented to weaken the encryption between client and server. Like FREAK, the LogJam vulnerability...

More Top Conferences in Information Security – Readers' Choice Edition

Image Last week, we published a list of the top 10 conferences in information security. In our article, we strove to include some of the biggest events in the industry. But realizing that we likely missed a few, we invited you – our readers – to write in and let us know of the conferences you feel should have made the list. Thank you...

Vulnerability in Safari Allows Attackers to Spoof Websites

Image A security firm has discovered a vulnerability in Apple’s Safari Browser that allows attackers to spoof legitimate websites and phish for user credentials. Security firm Deusen reveals that the flaw works by using a short script to force Safari into loading one page while still displaying the URL of another page. This script is...

Computer Criminals Brought to Justice – Randall Charles Tucker

Image Last week, we explored the story of Valérie Gignac, a Canadian woman who is believed to have hacked users’ webcams and subsequently harassed them. We now report on the story of Randall Charles Tucker, a serial distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacker who targeted the websites of government authorities whom he felt were...

GTA V Mods ‘Angry Planes’ and ‘Noclip’ Found to Contain Malware

Image Some mods of the popular computer game Grand Theft Auto V have been found to contain malware. In the game’s online forums, users have identified malicious code in the ‘Angry Planes’ and ‘Noclip’ mods. The former spawns planes that attack players, and the latter allows players to walk through walls and other objects. One...