

Cybersecurity Is Necessary for Mission-Critical Energy Grids

Image Today’s energy sector is undergoing massive change, especially as more utilities try to usher in clean or renewable energy alternatives like solar, geothermal, hydroelectric, and wind power. In addition to the clean energy transition, grid modernization is another major shift in the energy industry. The Industrial Internet of...

The Role of Data Hygiene in the Security of the Energy Industry

Image We create massive amounts of data daily, from the exercise stats compiled by our wearable devices to smart meters used at our homes to reduce expense consumption to maintenance statistics of critical systems in industrial settings. If data creation continues at its present rate, more than a yottabyte (a million trillion...

Tripwire Patch Priority Index for January 2023

Image Tripwire's January 2023 Patch Priority Index (PPI) brings together important vulnerabilities for Microsoft and Adobe. First on the patch priority list this month are patches for Microsoft Visio and Microsoft Office that resolve 6 vulnerabilities, including remote code execution and information disclosure vulnerabilities. Next...

Romance fraud losses rose 91% during the pandemic, claims UK's TSB bank

Image UK banking group TSB is calling on social networks and dating apps to better protect their users from fake profiles, following an alarming spike in romance fraud. Examining data from December 2020 - January 2022, TSB determined that romance fraud almost doubled compared to pre-pandemic levels, with a record increase in losses...

Sextortion Scams – How They Persuade and What to Watch for

Image Extortion, and especially “sextortion” emails, are becoming more frequent, and they can be extremely alarming when received. Such emails work by using threats to extort money, evoking intense fear. This type of correspondence comes in many guises and features various elements, but essentially, they work in the same way. These...

The State of the US National Cybersecurity Strategy for the Electric Grid

Image The distribution systems of the U.S. energy grid — the portions of the grid that carry electricity to consumers — are growing more susceptible to cyber-attacks, in part due to the advent of monitoring and control technology and their reliance on them. However, the magnitude of the possible consequences of such attacks is not...

Network Security Threats and Defenses: A 2023 Guide

Image What Is Network Security? Network security is a broad field, encompassing various processes, policies, rules, standards, frameworks, software, and hardware solutions. Its primary goal is to protect a network and its data from various threats, including intrusions and breaches. A network security program typically utilizes a...

Data Privacy Day: Understanding the Risks of Social Media

Image For most people, January 28th is the 28th day of the year. For me, January 28th is more commonly known as “the day before my wife’s birthday.” For those who pay attention to history, they may know it as the day of Charlemagne’s death, Edward VI’s ascension to the throne, the founding of Northwestern University, the birth of the...

3 Learnings from the DoDIIS Conference

Image The annual Department of Defense Intelligence Information System (DoDIIS) Worldwide Conference took place on December 12 – 15 in San Antonio, Texas.  If you are unfamiliar with the DoDIIS, it is presented by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and it brings together experts from multiple governmental, academic, and industry...

AI-generated phishing attacks are becoming more convincing

Image It's time for you and your colleagues to become more skeptical about what you read. That's a takeaway from a series of experiments undertaken using GPT-3 AI text-generating interfaces to create malicious messages designed to spear-phish, scam, harrass, and spread fake news. Experts at WithSecure have described their...

The Heightened Importance of Cybersecurity in Mobile App Development

Image Mobile device use is pervasive, and has eclipsed traditional computing.  We often hear how various malicious mobile apps are released into circulation.  For these reasons, mobile app development needs to focus on cybersecurity just as much as it does on functionality and flexibility, if not more so. It’s an inevitable aspect of...

C-Suite Security: How IT Teams Improve Security Culture

Image Every person in an organisation has the potential to enhance security. Physical office barriers were removed during the pandemic, exposing companies to countless vulnerabilities as attack avenues have multiplied. However, this does not mean that all was lost.  What it signals is the importance of promoting a culture of security...

Healthcare Supply Chain Attacks Raise Cyber Security Alarm

Image   The healthcare sector has become a popular target for cybercriminals and is one of the most targeted industries by cyber criminals. In 2022, 324 attacks were reported in the first half of the year. As bad actors continue to target the healthcare industry, cybersecurity experts and healthcare administrators should be aware...

Is a Shift Left Approach Hurting Software and Supply Chain Security?

Image As the cyber threat evolves, adversaries are increasingly targeting non-publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in the software supply chain. Attackers are able to stealthily travel between networks because to a vulnerability in the supply chain. To combat this risk, the cybersecurity community must center its efforts on protecting...

Why You Need an Offensive Security Solution

Image Cybersecurity professionals are always looking to keep up with new and changing threats, as well as developing new tactics and technologies to guard against cyberattacks. Traditional approaches to security are focused on defensive or reactive measures, generally blocking attacks from coming in, or responding to attacks once they...

Tripwire Enterprise 9.0: What you need to know

Image Tripwire recently announced the release of Tripwire Enterprise (TE), version 9.0, Axon Agent 3.27, and TE Agent 9.0.0.  While the full list of features may be viewed on our web site, as a product manager, I wanted to take some time to introduce some of the changes in this new release. What’s new in Tripwire Enterprise 9.0? The...